Lately, with the weather being crap, I've managed to find plenty of time to work on my latest Skaven project, the Screaming Bell Landship.  So for once I've managed meaningful progress in only a few short days.  So without being too wordy... let's take a peek!

Most notably I added the railings to the bow and stern of the landship.  The bow doesn't line up perfectly though and I'm considering removing it, working out the problems, and then reassembling.  However, I'm lazy and that's a lot of work so we'll see if it happens.

I replaced all of the empire shields with Skaven shields, excepting those with skulls.  I'll embellish those during the painting phase of this project.  Again, my laziness won out here.  I could have dremeled them, green stuffed in the iron reinforcments, and attached my shields to the "clean" side, but I'm lazy and this makes it look like the Skaven stole the landship.

Next I've added the flag and a couple accent parts to the pilot house on the stern.

On the bow I've added some lights from the Screaming Bell kit.

Most Notably on the bow I converted the bowsprit of the ship from a mermaid into a mer-rat(maid?).

Lastly, I managed to "finish" the wheels.  They are unassembled in their entirety but only because I need to paint the rats and the wheels separately  before sticking them together.

So what's next?

First, I have to build the pilot "chamber"  This is essentially a doomwheel pilot with a few modifications that fits where the mast used to go.  This will include the telscope but I have to lengthen it and possibly reshape it so it doesn't conflict with the bell tower.

Then I have to build the bell structure.  This will be a combination of existing bell parts and some sculpting.  I will use the warp-crystals as a base and then use brass rod to lend stability while building a structure around the rod with greenstuff and plasticard.

Next I will add the crew.  I have the doomwheel pumper, the bell's Rat Ogre, and a couple of stormvermin I plan to use as "crew". In addition to the usual Bell Seer.  Additionally, to replace the light cannon I have a jezzail.

Finally, I will dry fit the wheels, which are already assembled, to ensure a proper fit.

Throughout this process I will have to paint various parts of the landship to ensure a proper transfer.

Before I add the pilot I need to paint the interior of the landship and the jezzail and place them in the appropriate places.  Then, before I add the bell tower, I have to paint the pilot.  Finally, I will paint the entirety of the landship and the wheels separately before finally attaching the wheels.