Greetings from the battlefield!  Perpetually late and behind posting schedule,  I figured I'd better snap some photos of Shaunny's models, since they've been done for almost a month.  Here is the third and final installment of Shaun's Moria Adventure, showcasing his 500 point Moria army.

Continued from Part 2.

With all the models ready to go, we brushed Vallejo Black Lava onto the bases to give them some texture.  After that, a quick black spray got them basecoated and primed.  The troll got a grey basecoat, as it would have a different skin tone than the goblins.  Shaunny also asked that I paint his cave troll, as he was intimidated with the model's large size and strange skin tones.  I happily obliged - I hadn't painted a troll before.

Durburz's Warband (Blackshield Drummers, 4 Blackshields & Cave Troll)

A limited palette was formed when we dug through our mountain o' paints and found all the basic colors for the goblin color scheme in the books.  No wild color experimentation here - this is about learning the basics. Thankfully, it's basically red, green and metal.  The textured bases were painted to match the Brown World table, and we thought about how to spruce them up.

Blackshield Captain's Warband (8 Goblin Spears & 4 Goblin Bows)

I have to take a moment to tell you how everyone stopped and tried to figure how this could be Shaunny's first army.  The models were looking great!  To top that off, they were coming off the paint tray a lot faster than expected for a total novice (as he claimed to be).  Shaunny seems a natural and getting the paint where it needs to go, and quickly at that.

Once the models were painted with Shaunny's surprising skill and speed, I still had to finish the troll.  First things first, however - we applied Army Painter Quickshade to the goblins, and shortly thereafter applied Anti-Gloss to tone down the sheen of the shade coat.  The results turned out fantastic, and make these goblins look worn and weathered.

I didn't apply Quickshade to the Cave Troll, instead using the opportunity to demonstrate drybrushing and inking to Shaunny.  I think it turned out nice, and the Agrax Earthshade ink we used (from GW) did a nice job of bringing the bigger piece in line with the shade on the goblins.  Now that he's armed with the basic techniques, I have no doubt we'll be seeing a lot of nifty things come from Shaunny's burgeoning paint table.

Blackshield Shaman's Warband (8 Goblin Shields & 4 Goblin Bows)

We decided to try something different this time.  For the bases, texture is good but embellishment is better.  We thought that it might look cool if the goblins were scurrying across a muddy field, so we immediately got to work with the Woodland Scenics Realistic Water.  Using some darker browns to simulate wet mud, we mucked up the bases and added the water effects to form the pools.  Some Swamp Tuft sets the base off, and breaks up the color a bit.

500 points of love, straight from the Black Pit.

500 points of Moria goblins never looked so good!   Shaunny performed well in the latest campaign with this army, but next year's event season is more promising after the completion of this project.

Bigger update to the site today with all current campaigns updated.  We've been getting more games in, so make sure your forces keep up with the magnitude of their battles!  It could get out of hand if your soldiers aren't being deployed enough, and it can really impact your campaign scores.  Plan your battles accordingly!