on the

 2012 Mordheim Campaign

In the Ostermark, there is a place of legend that very few men ever venture.  Surrounded by the Ostermark Marches, the horrid place is avoided like death itself.  This place is called the Eerie Downs, and upon the plain there is such stillness and quiet that it makes even the stoutest ogre mercenary cast glances over his shoulder and peer into the perpetual fog.  Rumors of men going mad, or simply being lost forever in the fog soaked vastness have circulated for centuries.  They say that the ghosts of the men lost upon the plain now haunt it, and their madness fuels the evil stillness that it persists to this day.

It is little wonder that we would be interested in this place.

Though the darkness hangs over the Eerie Downs like the fog that never lifts, there is a great call to this place.      The rumors seem true:  treasure lies scattered across the Downs.  A huge shipment of dwarf gold bound to Karaz-A-Karak went missing months ago - but now warbands are recovering pieces of fine art, casks of fine ale and even chests of gold from the place.  It is a time of great opportunity to those who could seize it....

Yet some new horror pervades the silent reaches of the Eerie Downs this year.  Terrible reports of beastmen warbands pillaging farms near the foggy plains have filtered into the camps along the River Stir.  Cultists have been sighted at evil spots on the plain, enacting horrid rituals and invoking their dark gods. As a result, merchants have become more paranoid and have begun hiring mercenaries en masse to guard their shipments as they pass through the Ostermark Marches and extra men for when they pass near the Eerie Downs.

Whether drawn by the ecstasy of gold or the promise of dark power to be found on the Eerie Downs, a number of warbands are converging on the plains on a course to bloody conflict.  None will step down, and only death and horror await those who cross into the silent reaches of the fog-soaked plains.  Yet if glory can be seized from the grip of this madness, an enterprising warlord might make something greater of himself.

Death on the Eerie Downs is the 2012 campaign for Mordheim!

This time it's something new for us at the Wargate!  Since we've taken up serious gaming with this system, we've done battle in the delve at Khazid Grimaz and in the actual ruins of the city of Mordheim.  We'll be using a slightly different ruleset this time:  Empire in Flames!

All rules from that supplement will be used!  In addition, we're now using the 2.1 updated Mordheim rulebook that is available pretty much anywhere.  This includes the Opulent Goods and rules for Mounts.  One member of each warband may take riding skills as normal.  There's a lot of extra stuff in the rulebook, so if  you need to get a copy just ask.

The game will consist of 1 or 2 Round Robins, depending on how often the warbands do battle.  At the end of the season, Warband Ratings will be multiplied by influence to determine the overall victor!

A few more things.  
  1. Roll for missions using the table in Empire in Flames.  If doubles are rolled, instead play Upon the Downs from The League of Ostermark.  If the rolled scenario cannot be played for some reason, the players will also play Upon the Downs.
  2. Beastmen warbands may use the beastman raider table instead, however if a 1 or 6 is rolled they must play Upon the Downs.
  3. Multiplayer games are allowed in the final week, and counts for each applicable fight.  That is, Warband 1, 3 and 4 fight, so each warband counts that battle against each other warband.  This will fill Warband 1's games against 3 and 4, and vice versa or juxtaposed.  Players cannot play extra games due to multiplayer scenarios.

The Wargate is happy to announce the compiled lists of warbands and hired swords available to our players!  All the following are considered to be "official" and in-play here at our club.  This is a quite comprehensive list, and includes many new options.  These are the available HENCEFORTH and can be referenced here as needed.

  1. Amazons  
  2. Battle Monks 
  3. Bretonnians 
  4. Chaos - Beastmen Raiders 
  5. Chaos - Carnival of Chaos 
  6. Chaos - Cult of the Possessed 
  7. Chaos - Marauders 
  8. Chaos - Norse Explorers 
  9. Dwarfs - Rangers 
  10. Dwarfs - Treasure Hunters 
  11. Elves - Cult of Khaine 
  12. Elves - Dark Elves 
  13. Elves - Forest Walkers 
  14. Elves - Shadow Warriors 
  15. Empire - Averlander Mercenaries 
  16. Empire - Halflings 
  17. Empire - Kislevites 
  18. Empire - Marienburger Mercenaries 
  19. Empire - Merchant Caravans 
  20. Empire - Middenheimer Mercenaries 
  21. Empire - Mordheim Fanatics 
  22. Empire - Nuln Engineers 
  23. Empire - Ostlander Mercenaries 
  24. Empire - Outriders 
  25. Empire - Reiklander Mercenaries 
  26. Empire - Sisters of Sigmar 
  27. Empire - Witch Hunters 
  28. Greenskins - Black Orcs 
  29. Greenskins - Forest Goblins 
  30. Greenskins - Hobgoblin Wolf Riders 
  31. Greenskins - Night Goblins 
  32. Greenskins - Orc Mobs
  33. Lizardmen 
  34. Ogre Maneaters 
  35. Outlaw - Bandits 
  36. Outlaw - Outlaws 
  37. Outlaw - Pirates 
  38. Outlaw - Pit Fighters
  39. Skaven - Assassin Squad 
  40. Skaven - Clan Eshin 
  41. Skaven - Clan Moulder 
  42. Skaven - Clan Pestilens 
  43. Skaven - Clan Skryre 
  44. Tileans 
  45. Undead - Blood Dragon Vampire 
  46. Undead - Lahmian Vampire 
  47. Undead - Liche 
  48. Undead - Von Carstein Vampire
Hired Swords
  1. Arabian Merchant 
  2. Barbarian 
  3. Bard 
  4. Beggar 
  5. Black Orc 
  6. Bounty Hunter 
  7. Chaos Warrior 
  8. Clan Eshin Assassin 
  9. Clan Moulder Packmaster 
  10. Clan Moulder Rat Ogre Bodyguard 
  11. Clan Skryre Poison Wind Globadier 
  12. Clan Skryre Sniper 
  13. Cleric 
  14. Cursed Hillman 
  15. Dark Elf Assassin 
  16. Dark Elf Sorceress 
  17. Duelist 
  18. Dwarf Runesmith Journeyman 
  19. Dwarf Sapper 
  20. Dwarf Slayer Pirate 
  21. Dwarf Treasure Hunter 
  22. Dwarf Troll Slayer 
  23. Elf Mage 
  24. Expert Marksman 
  25. Fallen Sister 
  26. Goblin Lantern Bearer 
  27. Halfling Scout 
  28. Halfling Thief 
  29. Hochland Huntsmaster 
  30. Imperial Assassin 
  31. Imperial Tactician 
  32. Kislev Ranger 
  33. Mule Skinner 
  34. Norse Shaman 
  35. Ogre Bodyguard 
  36. Ogre Slavemaster 
  37. Pit Fighter 
  38. Priest of Morr 
  39. Priest of Ranald 
  40. Priestess of Shallya 
  41. Road Warden 
  42. Shadow Warrior 
  43. Thief 
  44. Tilean Marksman 
  45. Warlock 
  46. Warrior Priest of Sigmar 
  47. Witch 
  48. Witch Hunter 
  49. Wolf Priest of Ulric 
  50. Wood Elf Ranger
Dramatis Personae

  1. Aenur, Sword of Twilight 
  2. Bertha Bestraufrung 
  3. Countess Marianna Chavaux 
  4. Dark Emissary 
  5. Dijin Katal 
  6. Drenek Johansen 
  7. Johann the Knife 
  8. Nicodemus 
  9. The Dark Jester 
  10. The Salesman 
  11. Truthsayer 
  12. Ulli & Marquand 
  13. Vermin Lord 
  14. Veskit, High Executioner
Anyone interested in something they can't find the rules for need only ask!

The warbands gathered for the campaign are all steely veterans of past wars, and are ready to do battle on the dreadful Eerie Downs!

  • Coven of Darkness (Von Carstein)
  • Cult of the Repeated Mean (Cult of the Possessed)
  • Pharoah's Mace (Tomb Guard)
  • Chattel Herd (Beastmen Raiders)
  • The Ruffians (Nuln Engineers)
  • Ahuiateteo, Servants of the Old Ones (Lizardmen)
  • Deathmaw Ogre Maneaters (Ogre Maneaters)
  • De Jong's Detachment (Marienburger Mercenaries)
These ruthless and nasty cutthroats will maim and murder each other until nothing remains of any opponent!  

The campaign is over!

De Jong's Detachment has won the campaign!

De Jong and his men quickly drew their swords as soon as they heard the sound of guns come from behind the broken ruins.  Smoke assailed his eyes, and he shielded them the best he could, but quickly forgot the momentary distraction when another round of gun blasts hurled towards him and his men, dropping one man to the ground and forcing the rest into cover.

The sounds of swearing mercenaries filled the small square where they had been readying the wagons.  There was so much treasure, De Jong had to search the city for wagons that were in good repair.  Now, there were three wagons with their teams ready to go.  

"Of course we would be short on horses." spake he.

It was time to leave this cursed place.  The sun was setting, and they could still see it.  If they got the wagons moving right now, they could follow it off the Downs and not have to camp on the forsaken moor another night.  Time for action, De Jong thought, as he boldly stood up to rally his men.

"Wagons, ho!" he called out, and motioned the men next to him with his sword.  They swiftly mounted the waiting wagons, and the fog was playing with their assailant's visibility, making the next volley scatter wide or strike the wagons themselves.  With a few cries of  'giya!' and 'go, horse!'  De Jong and his wagons full of treasure were barrelling away from the Ruffians who were closing in on them.

"Those guys are lucky I have to go spend ALL MY MONEY!" De Jong shouted, holding with one hand onto the railing of the speeding wagon, waving his sword at the fog coming off the Downs.