It's a bit of a wordy title but it's apparently something that people are interested in...

For those of you who are unaware there was a bit of an issue with the early releases of the new M2E Viktorias. The issue was one of scale as basically one of the Ronin was about nine feet tall in comparison to the others and the Student of Conflict (a child, effectively) was bigger than the crouching Viktoria, lol. The Viktorias themselves were a bit oddly scaled as well...

Titan Games have kindly took some pictures of a newly assembled M2E crew next to some of the original Gencon ones for me so you can all see the difference. The new versions are much improved...which probably means I'll be about to paint my forth lot of Viktorias...

The new sprue.
It's difficult to tell the difference just from the sprue...don't worry comparison pics will follow...

Comparison shots.
The difference is more obvious with some models than others...but it's definitely there..

There's also a shot of the worst culprit...the aforementioned 'giant' Ronin...

The Viktorias and Taelor.

and the Student of Conflict...

So there you go.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.