Oh...My ...God! Last weekend could hardly be any better. Massive Voodoo came to the Netherlands to host a Painting Class. Here are my thoughts...

On friday late in the afternoon, just over two dozen painters came together in Sprang-Capelle to be taught by Massive Voodoo's Roman Lappat and Peter Toth.This were to be three long days of hard study, lots of painting, and learning heaps.
The participants were very diverse: I have seen painters who cme from the Historics side of the hobby, but also a Golden Daemon winner, a scenery webshop owner, a professional commission painter, hobbyists, beginners, advanced and masters alike. And everyone was creating high quality goods. I was thouroughly impressed by what everyone took from the classes. And EVERYONE did learn something!

We were a bit cramped now and again, but other than that, the accomodation was perfect. We had a different room for the presentations, and then another one for lunch and dinner on saturday (whch were very well provided as well).

During the weekend we have seen a lot of disciplines of figure painting: from basing to color contrast, from painting metallics to using pigments, and from using different paints to using different materials for you base.
As one who had also followed a workshop from Mathieu Fontaine, a lot of the theories were actually already known to me. Yet, there were still things I either forgot, or learnt anew. At least it posed no problem to me. But just to see how the theories were new for others and how they reacted, learnt and worked with it, really made my day. What's better than the enthousiasm of someone who has just learned something new?

At the end of the weekend - where we were all feeling the effect of long days and little sleep - we all had absorbed so much information, and nearly finished a great looking daemonette on an fitting base. I was impressed at the high level of everyone's piece! A joy to look at. Great respect to you all!
Here some early pics from most of them:

And massive respect to Roman and Peter, who have been guiding us with such a positive, educational, but mainly inspiring hands through the course of the weekend. I was impressed at how they made each one of us belong there. Everyone mattered, they did not place themselves above us. That made talking to Roman or Peter very relaxed, open, friendly, and natural. Atop that, they have great eye (thanks to their experience) for every individual learning curve, seeing where to push one person, and where to guide the other.

Thanks so much to Gert and Jurgen for making this happen, and ofcourse to Massive Voodoo for coming over. Hope to see you guys soon again!

the endresult for this weekend - better pics come later, thanks to Patrick (Scenery Workshop)

- Everything happens for a reason. Although sometimes it's just gravity -