The Eldar Waygate at the Forest Table |
Adepticon 2012, Part II: About KILLZONE and Oh, How the Tables Have Turned!!
Brian already has his "Glorious." catchphrase, but I suppose you guys would like to hear a bit about the setup and the event itself, huh?
Look! It's Brian doppelganger! |
The first Adepticon 2012 Special Operations: KILLZONE started pretty early on Friday, April 20th at around ~10 am and was scheduled to take about 5 hours for 4 glorious games of Warhammer 40,000-inspired skirmish action. "Frozencore" Joe and I got there around 8:30-9 am where Brain was already watching over the Killzone nest like a ... bald eagle.
Actually, before we got there we stopped at a nearby McDonald's to gain some biomass and enough energy not to collapse while running the event. The best part about it was that just as I was ordering my food I got a text from Brian asking me for a "[...] large coffe. Milky". Twas a very timely text.
We were actually really worried that there would be a lot of things to take care of before the event, but Brian surprised us with a very well-organized nest. The big terrain peaces and the dozen or so terrain features on the farthest Trench-works table were positioned just lovely. Pretty much all we had to do was to position the tokens depending on the deployment and to make sure that everything was tip top! The rest depended on the players..
From the 2nd Event! I'm the stud in Space Wolves Blue! |
One by one the players started to arrive and we were not surprised to find some.. hm.. absentees. I suppose that people were trying to sign up for some extra events in case things fell through with the other main events or simply were not prepared to experience the Killzone magic? If you are reading this and you were one of the people who for some reason couldn't make it know that you missed a lot. A lot.
This year we did expect this kind of attendance, though. It's normal. Things happen.
Moveable terrain like that Drop Pod allowed us to mix things up and to address any and all the LOS and cover-related issues. |
Combine that with the complete and total randomness of Secondary and Tertiary missions with some exciting Fate cards on top and.. BOOM.. KILLZONE, baby.
Gaunt's Ghosts? Before they became Black Library material they were KILLZONE Operatives. No joke. |
Gaunt's Ghosts led by the infamous Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt himself, a warband of Iron Warriors, two (?) very different Ork clans, Inquisitorial Henchmen, Lamentors, Ultramarines, a Deathwind Dark Angels team and then a second less-specialized Dark Angels squad, Necrons, Space Wolves, Dark Eldar...
Just SOME of the armies that we saw on day one...
Brian's Orkz! |
People kept on complimenting the army as I was playing it and it actually inspired me to finally put some paint on my models. Killzone has inspired me this year and I'm really looking to finishing Da Silensurz.
But my Khador army is a priority now..
My first game was on the lovely Trench-works tables versus a brand-new Necrons player who was also a KILLZONE noobie.
Edison Carbines are for meatbags! |
This wasn't the case with Killzone. I knew that it was going to be wacky and bloody, I KNEW it was going to be funny and hilarious. It's all that there was to it. I deployed my units and rolled dice.
The rest was just KILLZONE glory. My two Deffkoptas were zoom-zooming all over the place tearing Necrons to shreds with their twin-lined big shootas with Penetrator Rounds as the rest of my army got Tesla'd in the face by a bunch of Immortals.
That's one thing we forgot to errata, I suppose, hahaha...
I learned that charging a TH/SS Terminator with a Big Choppa Nob is a bad idea.
At the end of the game I had my Rookie target on the objective and all I had to do was survive a round of shooting from an Assault Cannon and a Storm Bolter with a 3+ cover save and a FNP save. It didn't happen and I lost both objectives. Hahaha..
One of my favorite shots! |
The first and second events on Friday actually were pretty smooth. The only issue was that since we were missing some people the rotation system was havign a few glitches, but eventually we just winged it... and there was much rejoicing.
During the two hour break in-between the two Killzone events Brian and I finally managed to get a game in, inside the Necron Labyrinth of Doom: His all-Terminator Space Wolves list vs. My.. err.. his Orkz...
... in which game I proved that even the oldest dogs can be taught new tricks!
Brian has already covered both of the Friday events - here (Event #1) and here (Event #2) and even the third event on Sunday, which I couldn't make riiight here (Event #3). One of the attendees, Dr. Gabe of Glory, who also won Most Cinematic during the second event also covered his Killzone jounrey here. Check out their blogs for their different PoV - they have a lot of things to say about the game and the events.
Here is also my Adepticon 2012 Flickr Album. There are a lot of pictures that I haven't posted here or that I'm about to post as I continue my humble coverage of this glorious event. Feel free to check 'em out!
With this ends my coverage of the Killzone side of Adepticon, since I wasn't able to make it on Sunday. I will, however post the battle reports from the Team Tournament that I went to on Saturday.
Stay tuned for some crazy shenanigans and kind words about the balanced Codex: Grey Knights... by a Space Wolves player.
Dun dun duuuuuun...