Warning: this entire post was done using voice to text while driving. Iowa is going to get up pretty bad snowstorm tonight and I don't know if I'll make it home in time to write an actual post, so I'm leaving this here for now. When I get home tonight I will edit it, so if you can read this morning I wish you luck in trying to translate all the awkward words.
I think I figured out the perfect metaphor to explain why I don't have the biggest winning record. While I'm sitting there trying to have a game of individual sword fights, my opponents are usually building ball I realize this last night when I played my buddy John and hurtsone last night. I was busy playing small ball – killing his minions trying to deal some damage etc. Meanwhile he was always building towards a bigger plan it would end of the game in his favor. This isn't some new revelation for me of course, but I never realized just how different The game to play out when I am picking individual battles in gaining small wins wow my opponent is working towards a bigger goal even if that means losing a few pieces. Long time readers may recall that I don't likely's, and I hate the idea of acceptable losses. In any game, of course, you have to lose something if you're playing a remotely balanced game. I'm not opposed to losing pieces, and I've even gotten better about throwing Smallpiece is a way to make bigger games later. However I'm still not building a bomb – I'm bringing a sword to a bombsight and expecting the way. It doesn't work, I'm finally starting to see why throughout the game I will feel like I'm doing quite well – killing pieces I'm gaining advantage and overall I'm doing better than my phone. The problem typically comes from my actual bill, I think. I don't build with that grand finish in mind. I have a very micro view of of the game I want to play, and as a result I can't have a big winnings game because so much of my resources are stacked on turn by turn picture's. In theory I feel like it should work, but like I said I'm finally starting to see the bigger picture and how I need change my game. Don't get me wrong, even fighting for small victories is an improvement over the years, but I can't let that be my only goal. Instead of gaining small advantages and control of the board, I need to get small advantages that work toward paving the way for my big finisher. Building bombs in the game requires a sense of control and ownership over what's happening, and realizing that some things are going to be lost as long as it's not things that help me build my ball. This feels like a pretty big change to Inc., and I'm not sure how I'm going to do. However, I'm realizing that this is one of the biggest differences between how I and my friends play. I think it's why I struggle so much with strategies and tactics – it's because I don't have anything to work towards with the list organic that I brought.
I remember in my days of magic, people would start would suggest I build start building with a win condition in mind and then filling things and from there. I think it's time for me to start doing that, rather than just putting in fun pieces that I like that I know can win, and then just filling in with other things that might fit. Everything should have a purpose, and I need to start figuring out what those purposes are, and building to maximize those purposes. I feel like everything else will flow smoothly after that, my biggest goal needs to be to constantly remind myself to have the bigger game in mind. I need to stop swinging swords, and start looking for explosives!