Holy moly was that ever a lot of wood and glue! Spent the last week's hobby time finishing up the build of the Bug Hunt Corridors, which was surprisingly much more fun than I had anticipated. As the sections came together, I just added them to a rambling complex on the hobby table, eventually covering the better part of a 6'x4' area!
Really looking forward to using this set in a game soon, either in a game of Zone Mortalis or in one of our various sci-fi RPG games - seems like it'll be perfect for Rogue Trader or Shadowrun!
For storage, I picked up a good sized plastic tub and spent an hour arranging and rearranging until I managed to find a configuration that would actually hold everything and still be able to get the lid on. At that point I realized that I'd never remember this exact configuration after unpacking it, which was a definite concern!
In order to help things sit flat in the tub, I'd cut a piece of cardboard to more or less fit the bottom, and then did a careful unpack, taking the time to write in the configuration. Job sorted and everything loaded back up in a flash!
Before I packed it up however, representatives from the Benevolent Cult of the Four Armed Emperor prowled the halls for a bit and they seemed pleased with the new accommodations...
Definitely a nice change of pace to do some building rather than painting for a while, but now I'm itching to get back to the Iron Hands. Just three weeks to go before the event in Memphis!
Terrain – Bug Hunt Corridors built!
by Mordian7th | Dec 22, 2013