Here are Chris's Trollbloods army for Privateer Press's 'Hordes' game system.
Trollblood Warcasters.
Borka Kegslayer.
Grissel Bloodsong, Marshal of the Kriels.
Hoarluk Doomshaper, Rage of Dhunia.
Madrak Ironhide (Variant).
Trollblood Warbeasts.
Dire Troll Mauler Extreme.
Mulg, the Ancient.
Slag Troll.
Trollblood Units.
Pyg Bushwackers.
Trollblood Long Riders.
Horthol, Long Rider Champion.
Krielstone Bearer & Scribes.
Trollblood Runeshapers.
Trollblood Solos.
Fell Caller Hero and Janissa Stonetide.
Trollblood Gargantuans.
Mountain King.
and some whelps...
I hope you enjoyed that lot.
If you did then I'm sure he'd appreciate some feedback in the comments section...