TJ here to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the DFG crew to you and yours. Since you have been good, we will share some ridiculous internet photos with you before we shove you out the door to sent time with your families (don't worry it will be over and you can hobby again soon, hahaha)
While you are enjoying your favorite roasted Daemon this Christmas, take the time to really enjoy those family and friends that you have. Hobbies and wargames can always wait until the ham has been eaten and the presents distributed!

... but with that said, St. Nick is slaying his way across the galaxy, bringing presents to all the good boys and girls. If you are like me, the wife never gifts me with models ... but this year, there are some things that will enhance my hobby experience on my list ...

... like a new, high speed camera and lenses to match, which makes me wonder what is on your list? Is anybody hoping for some models, hobby stuff or even a new game system or board game (I would love zombiecide or a Mother of Monsters crew!

No matter what you do to celebrate (and even if you don't), don't forget to spend time with your family and loved ones. I have been separated from my family several times this year due to deployment work-ups and have had to move away from my true friends (my Michigan crew) and can tell you there is nothing more important than the people you care about and that care about you! Make sure you spend the time with them, eat, drink, be merry and, if you have time this Christmas, kill a couple of heretics! Happy Holidays!