As a huge fan of the Black Templar, and all the rumors swirling around when they're supposed to have a new codex written, I feel the need to talk about all the crap that comes with this.
For me it all began when I noticed all the stuff flying around Bell of Lost Souls, Warseer, and other blogs. To set the record straight, everything is a rumor. Nothing more. And what good does it do us to know the future anyways?? Its not like your gonna have the inside track on an army, and you pull it out at your local hobby shop and no one has seen it. I mean come on.
I truly believe that most of the stuff we hear about is all a load of crap anyways. Some guy wanting attention, making things up. Just recently Ghost21, or whatever from Warseer, confessed to making up the most recent rumors about the Black Templar, and Tau. For what reason, who knows. But I do know that all it did was start a very dynamic conversation with a ton of people chiming in about what they heard, and what this guy saw. I only consider a few sources out there to be truly legit.
All this stuff about land raider spam, some rhino assault vehicle? Man, as far as I'm concerned, all either army is gonna get are some new rules, a few new characters that propose some twists to each game, and thats it. And most of the time when a codex is re-written, you don't even get over half the stuff inside released!! Look at the Tyranids?? Its been what, almost 2 years, and they still don't have all the models for that book.
And now that these recent rumors have been falsified, everything has been tossed back into the fire, and new rumors about Dark Angels being up next......I just sit back and laugh, it goes from one thing to another. Just goes to show you the lack of patience with players out there. So take this and run with it, say what you will.......things won't change.
News, and Rumors…….what exactly are we wating for??
by HighMarshalJames | Feb 9, 2012