...or, since he's going to be part of the Inquisitorial warband, ex-ganger.

The figure is an old metal Catachan trooper, unconverted except for the paint job. He'll  be a demolitions expert in the warband, as well as having some expertise in gang politics. He'll also serve as a fighter.

That said, I'm not overly enamoured with the paint job, or ideas for the character. Too much of his potential speciality seems redundant or useless, and while I would like to include a ganger, I remain unconvinced that this figure embodies what I want from that character.

The other problem is a lack of useful positions for an ex ganger to fill in a warband - with the obvious exception of hired muscle, which to me seems boring to play. 

My current ideas for warband characters are something like this:

Inquisitor's apprentice (acolyte) - the leader of the group, good all round skills with a focus on combat.
Tech adept (lexmechanic/magos) - AdMech person of some description, for technical specialism.
Sniper  - assassin for the group, plus a useful hand in a firefight.
Brute - a big guy, the group's muscle and pack mule. I'll be using the infamous Nurgle Lord miniature.
Pskyer - some form of astropath or sanctioned psyker.
Interrogator - group medic/torturer. A nice twist on the traditional cleric.
Priest - or other ecclesiarchy member. An alternative would be other type of sage.
Ganger - or other combat character, e.g. ex Guard member.

My gaming group consists of somewhere between 6 and 8 people, plus me, so it's probable at least one of these characters will be left out. I'm currently leaning towards the Priest, or perhaps the ganger as non essential characters, while the apprentice, tech adept, interrogator and psyker are fairly necessary. The group will also need a reasonable amount of firepower, so at least two of the sniper/brute/ganger will need to be present, possibly one if the tech adept or interrogator are combat capable.

Either way, I've started the miniatures for the brute and apprentice, so they will probably be the next of the warband to see the light of day, but before then I have an evil character ready to post.