Let's make an assessment of my Apocalypse Dark Angels army project.

I had the idea to assemble this army while I came back from the Med Tour 2013. After such a 40k Apocalyspe orgy, the motivation is high and it my head's full of army projects. Reality comes soon enough to breack your dreams... And you'll feel like  jackass one year after, because you don't have new minis to show at your buddies.

This is why after two Med Tour editions, I decided it was time for me to come back with an all new army, created for this event. The success of such a project requires a preparation without fault. Although time appears very broad, Murphy's law will be able to add you his batch of unforeseen. This is why you have to be realistic and establish a planning with your mind, and not your heart.

As you can see above, the army is almost half done. Two of  three squads are finished and the third one is quite advanced. Planning's good, but I had some bad surprises. Like November when I did not paint. At all.
Preparing all the minis took a month, Hellhammer not included. It was already prepared.
Even if some terminators were already painted, count one month by squad. I'm taking again all the minis to standardize the colors.
The Dreadnought will take one complete month. The banner is not ready yet and that will add to the painting time.
The Hellhammer will take two good months. It's a big vehicule and I want to take my time.

I everything goes, I'll be done with the armie's painting in June.