Yes, I am. So if you want to build an army but are too lazy to paint all those wonderful little plastic or metal toy soldiers, simply contact me and we'll work something out.

Here is what I can do for you:

I can paint your minis fast and simple (e.g. regular infantry), medium (e.g. elites) or high quality (e.g. HQs). You can click on the links for some sample figures from each category. I will buy, assemble/base and paint your minis or if you like you can send them to me in box or already assembled. The standard basework will be very simple but of course it can be done however you like.

How it's gonna work:

If you contact me with a project, I will give you a quote witch you can accept or decline. When you do accept I'm gonna need (if you want me to buy the models for you) the money for the price of the models plus 25% of the projects costs up front to get me started. Once the project is done I'll post the finished models on the blog for your final approval. After that you have to pay the rest of the project costs and I'll send the finished minis to you right away!

I'll gladly paint up infantry, vehicles, beasts and terrain. If you want I can do some minor conversions to the models or even scratch build one (e.g. like this) for you.

I would prefer smaller amounts of infantry in the beginning^^

If you want to comission something just send me an email (jan3r89 - at - and I'll get back to you asap!

Let's get the news out there!