As promised the Revenant Escalation battle report. 2,000 points each, I did not take any Super heavies, merely six Leman Russ Battle Tanks plus lots of Guardsmen with lascannons and missile launchers.  Mrs. Blackheart got a few models after the 900 point "Scout" Titan. We rolled up mission #5, Ultimate Linebreaker. Tragically for me she got go first and I didn't seize the initiative even with the +1 to my roll for not having my own super heavy.

The Pulsars worked as advertised, three dead guard tanks. The Wraithknight pitched in a took out another. Even in my reduced state I did five hull points of damage to the Revenant on my turn.
Then I started to run out of units. The Eldar Titan continued its rampage erasing a Leman Russ and a Guard Squad in the shooting phase and another Guard squad in the assault phase, although a valiant plasma gunner did one more hull point damage on overwatch before being crushed. The Wraithknight failed to even glance the last Leman Russ, maybe setting me up for a dramatic big finish?
Em, no. I was finished alright. I had enough shots to bring down the Revenant, but the Guard came up two hits short. And the Wraithknight was still undamaged and now tearing though my lines. Not to mention the Autarch and his jerk jetbike buddies.
After four brutal rounds it was over for the Guard. The game was called and the final score was 10-5, Eldar.
And the big question is: Is the Revenant too powerful for "normal" 40K games? Yeah, it kind of is. It would be a bad shock to fight one flat-footed, it will maul a balanced army to be sure and a heavy anti-tank army would have its hands full. It has the firepower of the Gods, and is rather hard to hit with its Titan Holofield shenanigans. I think it is underpriced at 900 points, 1200 seems more like it to me.
Was it fun? Hell yes. The new supplements really open up the options for 40K games. I love the epic feel the game takes on when you add a super heavy or two. That being said, I do think using Escalation, Stronghold, and even Allies should be agreed upon beforehand.

Now all I want to do is kill the Revenant. Maybe a Tau list will do the trick...

The Emperor Protects
He says to get more guns