After painting up the latest batch, I thought I'd get some photos of the whole of the GW Praetorians posted.

Note that this is just the GW stuff and doesn't include the figures from other manufacturers such as Curious Constructs or Victoria's Miniatures.  They'll have to wait for another day.

The photo above concentrates on the Infantry block.  The Command HQ has the Chimera, Nork Deddog and a Master of Ordnance.  The second Chimera belongs to the 1st Platoon Command Squad.  This Platoon has five squads, the 2nd Platoon four squads and three for the 3rd Platoon.  At the back are the Heavy Squads (two with Lascannons, one with Autocannons and the final with Mortars).

The Armoured Fist Platoon in all its glory.

I'll include some closer photos over the next couple of days along with an indication of future projects and even where they all live.