MasterMoulder is involved with leveraging our miniature wargaming hobby to give back up in the NorthEast.

The following is clipped from a post he made about it on dakka/etc.:

Here are the particulars for the Foodmachine event at Maplewood. Lets beat back hunger together!

1970 Springfield Avenue 
Maplewood, NJ 07040
            (973) 378-3839       

-Up to 2 Lists
-Divide and Concur, Character Restrictions
-$10.00 Entry Fee
- 53 min Death Clock, CP Tie Breaker, Followed by SOS, AP Points
-1-3 Overall Winner
-Best Painted Army
-Smoking Boots
-Iron Man
-Fastest Castor Kill
-Lottery Drawing
-9:00am Registration, 10:00 Game Time

Foodmachine 2012 Cheats

“Breaking the Rules”
At any point during a game, a player may donate a canned good to create an in-game effect. These canned goods are in addition to any canned goods that were donated for the registration fee. The following are the in-game effects that are generated by extra donations:

During your game, you may donate 1 canned good to:

1. Add +1 to your initiative die roll per can donated. Secretly decide a number of cans to donate and after your opponent decides how many cans to donate, reveal the total bonus amount and then roll for initiative.
2. Re-roll 1 of your dice. Each subsequent time you break this rule, whether for it’s for the same die or a different die, the cost to break this rule doubles. For example the 1st re-roll=1 can, 2ndre-roll=2 cans, 3rd re-roll=4 cans, 4th re-roll=8 cans. The cost resets back to 1 can at the start of your next turn. You cannot re-roll the initiative roll.
3. Force your opponent to re-roll 1 of his/her dice. Each subsequent time you break this rule, whether for it’s for the same die or a different die, the cost to break this rule doubles. The cost resets back to 1 can at the start of your opponent’s next turn. You cannot force a re-roll your opponent’s initiative roll.
4. Shift damage one column/branch to the left or right or shift grids on a Colossal/Gargantuan once per damage roll.

During your game, you may donate 3 cans to:

1. SATED: Trigger 'Shake Effects' on a warcaster/warlock or warjack/warbeast instead using of using Focus/Fury. Can only be used once per turn on one warcaster/warlock or warbeast/warjack.
2. FREE LUNCH: Give your warcaster/warlock an extra focus/fury point during the control phase. This may be in excess of their focus/fury stat, but does not change the stat itself. Your warcaster/warlock receives this focus even if other effects do not normally allow him focus/fury points. Can only be used once per turn.
3. DINNERTIME!: Generate 1 free non-charge power attack. Each subsequent time you break this rule per turn, the cost to break this rule doubles. The cost resets back to 3 cans at the start of your next turn.
4. REMEMBER REINHOLDT: Measure the distance between any 2 models on the board at
any time.

You may donate 10 cans to:

1. STARVATION: At the start of your game, force an opponent’s advance deploy model/unit to lose the advance deploy ability. Decide this after seeing your opponent’s list but before you roll for the initiative roll. Can only be used once per game.
2. At the start of your game, give 1 non-character jack/beast (non Colossal/Gargantuan) HUNGRY. HUNGRY adds +1 MAT, RAT, DEF, and ARM to the stat line for the duration of the game. Can only be used once per game.
3. GAUNT: At the start of your game, prior to the starting roll, designate one of your warrior
model/units to have Terror. Can only be used once per game.
4. FRIENDS IN NEED: Designate one Mercenary or Minion models/unit as a friendly Faction model/unit for one game round.

The following cheats can only be used once per tournament. Once paid for they are in force for the duration of the tournament.

You may donate 50 cans to:

1. Take one out-of-faction non character (non Colossal or Gargantuan) Warjack or Warbeast for your Warcaster or Warlock (respectively). This Warjack or Warbeast counts as a friendly Faction model. May only be used for a single Warjack or Warbeast per tournament.

You may donate 75 cans to:

1. Take one out-of-faction Character Warjack or Warbeast for your Warcaster or Warlock (respectively). This Warjack or Warbeast counts as a friendly Faction model. May only be used for a single Warjack or Warbeast per tournament.
2. Take one out-of-faction battle engine for your army. This model counts as a friendly Faction model. May only be used for a single battle engine once per tournament.

You may donate 100 cans to:

1. Take one out-of-faction Colossal or Gargantuan for your Warcaster or Warlock
(respectively). This Colossal or Gargantuan counts as a friendly Faction model. May only be used for a single Colossal or Gargantuan per tournament.

Foodmachine Cheats
Donate 1 can to:
1. Add +1 to initiative die roll per can.
2. Reroll 1 of your dice.
3. Reroll 1 of opponent’s dice.
4. Shift damage 1 column/branch left or right.

Donate 3 cans to:
1. Free shake effect.
2. Get an extra focus/fury point.
3. Generate 1 free non-charge power attack.
4. Measure the distance between 2 models.

Donate 10 cans to:
1. Force an opponent model/unit to lose
Advance Deploy.
2. Give 1 non-character jack/beast Hungry (+1
MAT, RAT, DEF, and ARM).
3. Give 1 model/unit terror.
4. Merc/Minion becomes Faction for 1 rnd.

I just spoke to our food pantry, St. James Church in Woodbridge New Jersey. They are very grateful for our assistance in trying to rebuild their food pantry was is very low. This church and pantry had inherited 250 homeless families prior to the Hurricane, and are now trying to help those individuals out. With the economy being the way it is, donations are also low. Any help they can get would really help, especially with Hurricane relief. I will be contacting the pantry to see if they have a PayPal account so those that want to contribute can, even if they are not able to make our event.
Also, a commission painter is trying to work on a model for our event to auction off, which all the proceeds will go to the pantry. Hopefully he can make it!
Spread the word! 

 For those that can't make the event, and would like to donate cash to the pantry, you can. However, they don't have a paypal account so you will have mail checks in: 
St. James Church
"Social Concerns"
148 Greenville Street
Woodbridge, NJ 07095 

No reason you can't give back ... even if it's sending a check for a little bit of good will to the Church directly.

This was scheduled to post last week, but I fudged it up and so it's only posting today ... Happy Thanksgiving and Holidays, and prayers/thoughts (depending or your persuasion or lack thereof) for those hard hit in the NE.