Well, since I made a commitment to get back into 40K, I've talked to one of my buddies I played regularly before I took my hiatus and who still plays fairly regularly. These conversations have led to one problem being solved (I can ally with myself? Really? So I can still have my fluffy Queens who hate wyches and who answer to no one? SWEET!). Yeah, I read on BOLS that allying with yourself is kinda cheesy, but I'm certainly not doing it to win (if anything it puts me at a disadvantage). I sucked at 5th edition and I'll suck in 6th. I mean, would a WAAC player all his army "The Queens Armoured"? It's all about my Templars staying Templars. Now I need to pick up a Helbrecht and stick him with the RECLUSIARCH (F.U., GW! High Chaplain my ass) Grimaldus and EC I already own and bingo, I'm full on Templar once again. Well, full on Templar with a "chick tank" at the middle of my armored line. Queens gotta be Queens after all. So even though they're all sons of Dorn, you'll see no Fist yellow sullying up my black and white. Yellow is hard to paint anyway, and I stink at painting. That's the real reason I went Templar to begin with. It dawned on me I was undercoating everything in chaos black, so I was 70% done if I added white. So, hey, Templars. Anyway, back on point, my talks created a second problem: what to do about fliers? My buddy plays orks, and no one else plays Templars but me. So, like any lunatic I posed the question on a few forums and got a zillion different answers (one was "ally with IG for more troops". I don't think he read the part about me being super fluffy). Here are some responses that actually appear to have thought put into them: 1. Aegis Defense Line with Quad Gun and a Devastator unit. OK, already own the ADL and have lusted for Devastators forever, but is one squad and a gun battery going to do the job? 2. Buy one of the new AA tanks and use the Stalker version. Sounds plausible, but is one enough? At $65 a piece my Ack-Ack gets real expensive-expensive. I'm trying to keep a low budget. If this was a no budget project I'd just drop $160 on a killer Fire Raptor Gunship from Forge World and let it handle the situation. 3. Convert a Whirlwind kit I own into a Stalker. A good suggestion, but my conversion skills are worse than my painting skills. And bits are hard to come by anyway. 4. Thunderfire Cannons. Intriguing, but effective? Anyone with a thought please comment. Thanks.