For the 3rd Mobile Infantry, C Company, the Orpheus Crusade, have, by the grace of the Emperor, have begun to replenish our lost, ally with our fellow sons of Dorn, and adding to our armaments so we may clear the skies of those who fight there without honor. The rumors are true: the 3rd MI, "The Queens Armoured", are returning. Sure, it will take me some time to get back up to speed because so much has changed in the 2 years, but rest assured most things will remain the same. I will still suck at 40K and regularly get might butt kicked by armies of every kind. I will still regularly forget how many die to roll for certain weapons. And, hopefully, I'll still spend the majority of the time not concentrating on the game but instead enjoying shooting the breeze with the rest of the 40+ guys at Gunslinger Games who, like me, saw it less as "40K Night" and more as "Out of the house for a few hours" night. Best of all, though, is that the reconfigured Immolator, crewed by only the finest, most experienced "tank drivers" in all of C Company, honored to be called "Queens" by their battle brothers (but woe be to the fellow Marine from another chapter who uses the term). Yeah, GW may have done all they could to basically turn the Templars into little more than Space Marines who happen to paint their armor black (Oh, sure, you an run an Emperor's Champion in your Ultramarine army now. And that whole "Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch!" thing? Well, turns out it's less about abhorrence and more about forgetfulness. Just a clerical error that evolved core belief. I'm sure those things happen all the time and it isn't the most lazy retcon in the history of gaming), but I'll play your 6th edition rules with Black Templars that act like Black Templars. I'll have too many termies in too many Land Raider Crusaders, I'll charge into engagements a 10 year old would see are mistakes. So the number of the edition may have changed, but "The Queens Armoured" will still be doing things the Templar way (except that they'll be doing it with the addition of twin linked flamers mounted atop a "chick tank" spewing holy promethium on every ork unlucky enough to cross their path) Always remember the exchange between two battle brothers after a hard fought engagement where the "Queens" had somehow survived against all odds: "The Emperor protects" "Aye, but gods save the Queens" Until next time