I'm only kidding with the title. Lies aren't worth responding to!
So I'm getting myself to a point where I really can't decide what army I'd personally like to play in 6th Edition.
I still have a heart-on for my guard (snicker?), and for having lots of bodies on the field.
I partially want to wait for CSM, because the ability to have lots of cheap fearless 30-model cultist squads is actually quite exciting (read: dark apostles).
So I'm in limbo.
That said, if I discount CSM, the lists I'm looking at based upon play are 1) Psychic Choir Tyranid with Swarmlord, 3 Tervigons, Parasite and a butt-ton of gargoyles, or 2) Heavy blobbing of guard coupled with appropriate allies.
Latest thought along the lines of #2 is as follows, and would definitely involve modeling the Primaris Psyker as a psychiatrist, with Yarrick and the Ork Warboss reconciling their differences on therapy chairs/couches. Not actually kidding, either. Enjoy ... and yeah, I have no idea which way to go yet.
Warboss w/ Power Klaw - 85
Primaris Psyker - 70
Commissar Yarrick - 185
Platoon Command w/ Mortar - 35
IG Squad w/ Power Weapon, Meltabomb - 65
IG Squad w/ Power Weapon, Meltabomb - 65
IG Squad w/ Power Weapon, Meltabomb - 65
IG Squad w/ Power Weapon, Meltabomb - 65
IG Squad w/ Power Weapon - 60
Platoon Command Squad w/ Mortar - 35
IG Squad w/ Autocannon - 60
IG Squad w/ Autocannon - 60
Mortar HWT - 60
Mortar HWT - 60
Mortar HWT - 60
Platoon Command Squad w/ Mortar - 35
IG Squad w/ Autocannon - 60
IG Squad w/ Autocannon - 60
30 Ork Shootas w/ Power Klaw Nob - 215
30 Ork Shootas w/ Nob - 190
Dakkajet w/ Fighta Ace - 130
Vendetta w/ Heavy Bolters - 140
Vendetta w/ Heavy Bolters - 140
170 models, 3 vehicles, 12 scoring units
Thanks to the community also for the outpouring of support this past week. I didn't ask, but you all delivered. It's much appreciated.
- Mike and the NOVA
Critical Response to Some Crapola on the Internets … More Importantly, Tournament Army Prep for 6ed!
by Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail | Sep 11, 2012