Greetings all and welcome to another Derp It Yerself! 

This will be slightly abridged as I'm currently doing some mold-making again. I figured I should build a FORTRESS OF DOOOOOOM!! the day before my first exam to help de-stress and as a place to retreat to and play an organ should I fail...but since I've already passed (a first for me, woo!) and my finals are bonus points turning  a 4 (50%) into 5's (65-74%) or 6's (75-84%).

Last time I tried molding, I messed up horribly leading to the first Derp  It Yerself.

I also got it wrong. Again. *Sigh* I miss the left hemisphere of my brain. It said it was going out for a smoke and would be back in ten minutes...that was six years ago T_T

The problem is with the ratio- the hydrocal I purchased said the ration was 32:100. Naturally I assumed it meant 1/3 cup hydrocal to 1 cup water. How wrong I was. It's actually 1 cup hydrocal to 1/3 cup water.

In closing, I'm a dumbass with a supposed IQ of around 121 (last time I checked, there's possibly a decimal point missing :P ) who's now gotten another +1 to intelligence and 50 more exp.


The Warlock