So, I’ve decided to get around to working on the 20 or so sisters I’ve had sitting unpainted on my shelf for the past year, having stripped them in Simple Green with the intention of giving them a non 12 year old paint job. I have to say, as much as the Sisters of Battle models are maligned, I really think that’s unfair. These were some of my favorite models GW ever made when I was a kid, and I think they’ve aged incredibly well. The sharp detail and vision of these figures is just stellar.

I’m having a bit of trouble painting them up how I’d like. Oddly enough, my favorite piece of art of the sisters is this background heavy bolter in the amazing John Blanche cover:

So, you’ll notice that although the sister in the foreground is a garish mix of red, black, white and hazard stripes, there is something really scary and brutal about this all black and gold scheme.  But it’s tough to translate it to the tabletop.  

I’ve tried to stay pretty severe, with a little bit of a concession by adding a dark grey as the tabard (still un-highlighted) and the white order symbol.  Does anyone have any ideas for other parts I can do gold, or another way I can make it look a little more “done”? because it’s just not quite doing it for me yet.

Give me your ideas!