I’ve commented in the past that I’m pretty awful with my web skills, although I am slowly improving.
I will get a blogroll going soon, but in the mean time I wanted to share with you some of the blogs that I have been following with great interest. In my experience some of them don’t pop up too often on the normal blog rolls, so hopefully you will discover something new! They cover a range of wargaming/miniature hobbyist topics that range from standard 40k to marauder-inspired dwarf sculpts.
I’ll try to do this periodically.
The only tabletop podcast you need. Pour something flammable in your glass…
Great collective blog with some amazing work for Fantasy, LotR, 40k, Heresy, Mordheim and Terrain.
Don’t be fooled by the name, this site covers a ton of game and modelling subjects from Tau to Infinity. Great commentary on occasion too.
Tend to paint more than you play? You’ll probably greatly relate to this site, and learn something too!
One of the most delightfully off-beat and wonderful miniature-centric blogs out there in my opinion. You never know what you will find when you visit, but it’s always worth checking out.
Some brilliant work with vintage miniatures with a strong emphasis on Blood Bowl. Just great.
This site is like travelling in time and seeing all of Citadel’s old miniatures given quality paint jobs that they never would have received when first released. It’s amazing to see how much character these old sculpts have.