Tyranids are once again lumbering into view with a new codex, lots of old models re-boxed and marked up (two Carnifexes/Carnifi for £55) and a couple of new models to spice things up.
Sadly, the two big releases, the Harpy and the Haruspex have really failed to set my mind pin-wheeling which is a first for a while as regardless of price, I’ve really liked the majority of the new models Games Workshop have produced lately. The Harpy looks too small. Too short and fat and lacks the awesomeness of the Harridan or the sleek design of the winged Hive Tyrant.
Equally the Haruspex is just a hideous, messy, borderline cartoon sculpt that has no business being in a game that doesn’t contain the words Hero and Clix in it. And the stupid distended jaw kinda remind me of the dog from Despicable Me.
But I’m sure there will be some truly badass rules in the new Codex that will make either these models or the alternatives available to build in the kits an absolute essential purchase. Games Workshop aren’t stupid. Wankers, but not stupid.
The new Tyranid range is available to pre-order from Firestorm Games.