OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFollowing my company party where I won a travel case of Chess, Checkers, and Backgammon, Gina and I sat down to learn Caverna.  It was pretty straight forward and we picked it up quickly.  We just played the introductory game to keep the number of options down.  Gina went straight for the farming, with grain, vegetables, and sheep.  I was more focused on my cave, decking it out in mines, and useful furnishing.  My fields were almost completely neglected.  Thanks to my adventurous dwarves, though, I was able to score a bunch from rubies and bonuses and win overall, with Gina only about 10 points behind me.



Saturday night, Gina was out at a party, but Louis and Kevin were available.  We learned Snowdonia, but I forgot to get pictures.  Louis was pushing his surveyor forward often, while I was the only one who had a train.  Otherwise we all did a bit of everything.  I had picked up five contracts, which ended up being the difference.  I completed them all, and won the game with an even 100 points.  Kevin was next with 86 and Louis had 73.

Kevin and I finished the night with a quick game of Glen More.  He was working the distilleries and managed to grab all three taverns.  He also had a bunch of villages and the bonus castle for them.  I had Iona Abbey, which provided a bonus for yellow tiles.  I had plenty of those, and was working an Annual fair for all it was worth, but I still ended up three points short at the end of the game.

Until next time, happy gaming!