Has it really been two months since I’ve blogged last? Apparently, it has been. I think I can chalk that up to a combination of busy schedules and cold temperatures. Besides the holiday season, I found and started a new job in late November/early December, and the transition ate up some time. However, the new job has a shorter commute and easier hours, so I think I can easily get back to working and blogging. Well, blogging, at least – the last month has been so cold in my garage/working space that it’s been uncomfortable to work there. I’m going to have to start taking small batches of miniatures out and working on them elsewhere in the house to get any work done. I’d use an electric heater – and I have one – but unfortunately the way the house is wired, we can’t have it and the one we use to keep the girls’ bedroom warm at night going at the same time, and the kids take precedence over the toys.

Unlike last year, when all my codexes got updated, this year should be pretty light on new purchases (apart from books, of course). However, I’ve got a backlog of work to keep me busy over the next 12 months. Let’s see what’s still on the table:

Tau: This is army is pretty much finished, apart from some fine detail I’d like to go back and apply. The one exception to this is Commander Farsight, who sits unfinished on my workbench. I’m hoping to finish him off before the end of winter. I keep kicking around the idea of doing the rest of The Eight as well, and I have a couple of spare unassembled Crisis Suits that I could put towards the cause. Considering what I don’t have, though, like a spare Broadside and Riptide, it’s a project for another time. Farsight will be enough for now.

Black Templars: My Honor Guard are still unfinished, as are a Drop Pod and Stormraven. Beyond those, I also have Grimaldus and his retinue waiting in the wings, along with a Marshal (well, a Chapter Master now, I suppose) and a pair of Rhinos. I’ll try to finish the first three soon, and anything beyond that will be painted as needed.

Chaos Space Marines: So much to paint. So, so much to paint. While I finished this army as my painting challenge in 2012, I’ve since expanded and revised it, and it needs more painting. Bikes, Cultists, Havocs, Noise Marines, Chosen, and a Dark Apostle are all waiting. Oh, and a Heldrake. Can’t forget that. I even have a pair of almost-fully-assembled Defilers that need to be completed. There’s also a Chaos Vindicator kit in my hobby closet that’s still unassembled, but I’m in no hurry to get to it.

Eldar: I still have yet to finish my Pathfinders, along with Illic Nightspear (so that they’re Pathfinders and not just Rangers), and there’s some Warp Spiders, Warlocks, and a Farseer that are just primed and awaiting paint as well. While I’ve kicked around the idea of adding a Battleforce to this to pad it out as a full force, for now I’m just going to keep it as a small allied detachment. At most, I might add a Wraithlord to it, just because I want to have an Alaitoc sniper Wraithlord. No rush on that, though.

Chaos Daemons: Ever since my Chaos Marines got updated, I lost Lesser Daemons and had to upgrade this to an allied detachment. Fortunately, I have a bunch of Daemonettes primed and waiting to be integrated in. Just need to get around to it. As far as other models, some Seekers might be nice (even though I dislike the torsos and heads), but again, no rush to add much more.

Imperial Guard: Still working on stripping these. As time has passed, I’ve increasingly lost interest in working on them, though. I just don’t think they’re my kind of army. I might see if I can find them a new home. If anyone’s interested, leave me a comment!

Realm of Battle Board: Still primed, still need to work on it. The challenge here has been workspace; it’s too big for my current workbench, and the other half of the garage, where I would paint it, has been turned into temporary storage. We’re working through that, though, and the area is almost clear enough to work in! I think this one should go fast once I get it started, as it’s big brush work.

Besides all of the above, I’ve got a (metal) Malifaux crew to finish, and other assorted personal projects. Oh, and Relic Knights is coming – supposedly, the miniatures are in production and should be moving into distribution Any Day Now ™. When those land, it’s going to take a big chunk  of my painting time.

All in all, 2014 is going to be The Year Of Getting Old Projects Finished. Then maybe I can move onto other things. My mind kicks around things like painting up some Necrons or Dark Eldar, but there’s too much to do already!