I have to say that I was getting reaaaaaally bored painting Iron Hands. I quite like their fluff, and they dovetail nicely with my love for the Ad-Mech, but the color scheme is a bit of a drag. That said, I think I may have overcorrected a bit:

Hah! I've had a small allied chaos force lurking on the shelves for over a year now, figured it was time to give them a little attention. First up is a squad of chaos marines dedicated to my favorite of the Big Four, Tzeentch. Squad of nine of course, which denies me a heavy weapon but between the sacred number and the Icon of Flame, Tzeentch will certainly grant them his favor!

While I was at it I worked on the sorcerer, though I'm not at all happy with the state of his face at the moment. That's going to be getting a re-do post haste.

Finally, a quick (and frankly terrible) shot of the painted army so far. Still in the wings are a unit of Thousand Sons (of course), some screamer riders, a FW Helltalon, and some allied Tzeentch daemons. I'll likely give the two marine squads Rhinos, but I think that'll be the extent of it - This will not(!) turn into another 3000+ point army, darn it! ...It's the Heresy Thousand Sons army I'm scheming on that will!

I'm planning to do a couple little 500-1000 point allied forces s for the guard this year, including finishing up the last few Eldar that I'd kept from the previous project, some "Deff Korps uv Kriek" orks and perhaps an Inquisitor's warband or two. Not to mention the aforementioned heresy era Thousand Sons! With the rumors of new guard on the horizon as well, looks like 2014 is going to be a fun year for hobbying!