So with all the scanned copies, rules posts etc the nid codex seems to be a bit of a rehash of the last cruddace craptacular codex. So with the limited info I am seeing a pattern of how the "Author" might see these guys being played.  HORDE HORDE HORDE.  no synergy other than bodies. Points costs are down pretty much through the entire codex except for "special" entries. So I'm seeing no biomorphs, 6 troops, and a super high model count.  

Termagants x30
Termagants x30
Termagants x30

Gargoyles x30
Crone or 30 gargoyles
Crone or 30 gargoyles

Flyrant or tervigon
Flyrant of tervigon

Heavy and Elite
(What every your points you have left as it matter little .  )

So you start with a minimum 127 models and add for spawning.  Everything moves forward while tyrants and crones cherry pick, play cagey, or forced threats in certain board zones for control. All the time trying to kill flyers etc.  The idea works until you numbers dip below a critical threshold and the army falls apart.  So this is very dependent on the opposing armies roll and weight of fire.  Tau will not have a hard time with this in the least ( especially with formations and voids ). Now this list may look very familiar because it is.  This was a list that many players fielded in the last year or two.  More of the same, just more of it is all the new dex looks to be.  The biggest issue here is time.  Moving that many models is tuff even for extremely good players and does take away from a GT game as you movement phase is uber long.  If you go the all horde with the 5 tervigons and extra gargs you start with over 180 models!!!!  I do like this kind of a list, but also enjoy a MC spam list as well.   Looks like that will be doable but not very competitive since so much kills MC's quickly( crons, eldar, Tau)