So we don't understand the tyranids, says the online community

So that seems the verdict at best from the 40k community.  The worst scenario of course is it "IS" the worst dex ever.  MVB from Whiskey and 40k did a great article, but it was also sort of pointing to the worst scenario.  So I guess time will tell, but in the mean time I will be looking into other game systems. GW has proven again that they are either so too smart or incredible stupid and not in touch with the community as a whole.  So instead of new GW models it's new Dropzone Commander, Malifaux, and Warmachine.

I hope to get a few battle reports with the new nidz vs Tau, eldar, and marines in the next few weeks. ( proxy  new nid stuff of course )

Future prediction: IG will be awesome due to this Shit McShitterson of a codex. :)