The examination continues. Let's dissect some bugs with part two of the Tyranids review.

I have finally translated the Tyranids language. I now understand what joke means to them, it is pronounced Bio-Artefacts. These weapons are horrible! They are overpriced and under preforming. These are suppose to reflect the most powerful weapons that the Tyranids posses and they completely fall short.

The Maw-Claws of Thyrax- AP 5, Rending, Assimilate. The most attractive thing about this weapon is that after killing a model you gain Preferred Enemy against all other models from the same codex as that unit. This is also the cheapest artifact but overall it isn't anything spectacular. If you were buying it on a monstrous creature then the AP and Rending doesn't even matter.

The Norn Crown- 6" more Synapse. Synapse will make or break your army so maybe this is useful but the price just makes it such a burden. I would pass for most cases.

The Miasma Cannon- Poison 2+ weapons that are only AP 4. If it were AP 3 maybe but right now it is a pass.

The Ymgarl Factor- See the creators didn't forget about Ymgarl genestealers, instead they gave you an upgrade so the memory can linger of what use to be. You can choose +1 Strength,+1 Attack, or +1 amour save. However the issue is that you can only do it in the assault phase and you can't pick the same one consecutively. They were so close to making this useful, so very close. I would have loved for this to have given a Hive Tyrant a 2+ save so that it could actually get into combat and then you could choose to buff your combat ability once you were there. We already have monstrous creatures with 2+ saves in other codices, why did they need to limit Tyranids access to them? Anyway pass because of the expense.

The Reaper of Obliterax- This is a Lash Whip and Bonesword that also has Shred and +1 Strength. This is double the amount of points you would pay for a Lash Whip and Bonesword making this upgrade the most expensive yet. I have to say mediocre at best.

Time to examine the Tyranids direct link to the Hive Mind, the HQ selection.

Hive Tyrant-  I actually don't think the Hive Tyrant is a bad unit. It is comparable to a Daemon Prince in price and has decent stats. The biggest draw back is that the model does not have an invulnerable save and is susceptible to Instant Death weapons. This will probably be the HQ of choice for most Tyranids armies because of their absolute need for Synapse creatures. It is reliable and can be a melee unit or ranged unit. I would almost always purchase wings with this unit for maneuverability and extra longevity. It starts off with Psyker Mastery 2 so that is a plus but without access to Biomancy it has a short life expectancy in the current meta.

The Swarmlord- Everyone knows and loves The Swarmlord. He is pretty much the same as it's 5th edition entry but with a nerf to Bone Sabres. Bone Sabres now do not require the unit hit to reroll successful invulnerable saves. However to counter that fact that Swarmlord gained the ability to give out Furious Charge, Monster Hunter, or Preferred Enemy to a unit within 18" or it's own unit. It basically is a powered up Hive Tyrant, a extra mastery level, more synapse range, extra initiative, and a invulnerable save in combat. It is an expensive beat stick but every codex needs one. The Swarmlord  will crush pretty much anything it catches in combat and can't be ignored because of that single fact.

Tyrant Guard Brood- You can have one brood for each Hive Tyrant or Swarmlord units in your army. They are bodyguards for the big bugs basically. Your Hive Tyrant and Swarmlord can join the unit as if it had the independent character rule and they can automatically pass lookout sir. Tyrant guard are just extra wounds to make sure the important model makes it where you need it. They are T6 , have two wounds and a 3+ save so they will take some punishment before being killed. If you are foot slogging I would give these guys a try.

Old One Eye- This unit dropped 40 points from 5th edition and gained 1 initiative, not a bad improvement at all. However for some reason the unit went from Heavy Support to HQ. I think that was a mistake because the HQ slot should be reserved for Synapse creatures. Old One Eye is an interesting concept with this regeneration and the fact it will gain feel no pain after being wounded. If your opponent doesn't focus enough fire power on it it could run amok through someones lines. The Berserk Rampage Rule allows for Old One Eye to make another attack for ever successful hit but the additional attacks done trigger the effect. So in theory you could swing with ten attacks if you were very lucky.

Tervigon - The hallmark of 5th edition Tyranids returns once again but this old girl isn't what she used to be.. They are Psyker Mastery 1 and bring Synapse. Most importantly it can still spawn 3D6 Termagants as before and is exhausted on doubles sadly. The Synaptic Backlash is worst now as it reaches 12" with the strength 3 death to termagants. On top of that Brood Progenitor took a big hit and only gives Counter-attack to units in 12". One of the best units in the Codex is now more expensive and less potent. I really don't understand why this was done. This was a unique unit in 5th edition that gave life to the idea of fighting an endless swarm. It was a fun and viable unit in competitive play but for some reason GW felt it needed to be beat with the nerf bat. Well I guess it could have been worst, they could have made it only spawn 6 every turn and kill them all once it died.

Tyranid Prime- A Tyranid Prime is what I wish Tyranid Warriors were. Actually if you just gave the warriors the Prime's Strength and Toughness I would be happy. It is basically an upgraded warrior with one higher stat in everything but Wounds and Leadership. It has independent Character and will convey its weapon and ballistic skill to Warriors and Shrikes in the same unit.

Deathleaper- This guy has a butt load of special rules. I love the idea of this character but it is very delicate with only a 5+ save. The biggest issue I have with Deathleaper is that it is reliant on other Synapse creatures so you cant send it alone to attack a target. You can't have the unit do what it's fluff says is its entire reason for existence. I mean an assassin that can only operate while next to a giant screaming monster isn't a good assassin. "Where is it" is a neat, that will really help with it living and you can lower the leadership of your opponent's warlord but other than that I would leave Deathleaper at home.

This review is taking forever and I am sounding like a major Debbie Downer so here is something cute.

Let me know what you all think. I still have hope by the end of this review I can make a viable list that could at least win half it's games at a GT.