So White Dwarf is history!  What does that mean?

This has hit the net the last few days and now we have confirmation from GW sources that White Dwarf as we know it is gone and in its place will be two new magazines.  Here is what we know:

White Dwarf as we know it today is no more.
The January 2014  issue with Tyranids on the cover was the last White Dwarf.  (Tyranids) was the last edition. It will be replaced with 2 New publications

White Dwarf Weekly:
Priced at $ 4, this weekly publication will be 32 pages and contain information on new releases, battle reports and gaming articles. The intended audience is gamers.

Warhammer: Visions
This whopping volume will be 252 pages (about 100 pages more than the current White Dwarf).  The price is going up to £7.50 or  roughly $ 12.50.    Information on how this affects current White Dwarf subscribers will be released. (I know I have a subscription to White Dwarf, using the "coupons", so am curious what this means).  

Warhamer: Visions is focused on the 'hobby' crowd, with articles on collecting, painting and conversions, and will include Blanchitsu, Armies on Parade, Golden Daemon (Parade Ground) & Design Studio updates.

I have to say, while I am excited about Warhammer: Visions, I doubt I will ever buy an issue of White Dwarf Weekly.  First, I am not a hard core gamer.  I love the hobby, I love my armies and building new ones and playing big games and Horus Heresy.  So unless it is a weekly from Forge World, I probably won't care.

Now the monthly Warhammer: Visions is very interesting.  I liked the way White Dwarf changed and it has been top notch the last year or so since the change.  100 pages more?  Works for me!

So we will all have to see what changes we like and what we don't.  

What is your take?
