A big thanks to Siph and Grazer for helping me make up my mind on what to take to Blog Wars 4.

Here we have it:
Tyrant   (Paroxysm, Leech Life, Devourers, Wings) 245pts
Swarmlord (2 Tyrant Guard with Lash Whips) 410pts
Tervigon (Catalyst, Onslaught, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacks) 210pts
Tervigon (Catalyst, Onslaught, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacks) 210pts
20 Termagants 100pts
19 Termagants 95pts     
2 Hive Guard 100pts
2 Hive Guard 100pts
Carnifex (2 T/L Devourers) 190pts
Carnifex (2 T/L Devourers) 190pts
Total      1850

Fingers crossed it will do alright; it is certainly not the scariest thing in the world, but I am relatively familiar with it and it requires no new models or painting.

I went with the Dakkafexes in the end over Trygons because they offer more anti-infantry - which strangely is something I have had problems with before. They will also lend a helping hand to the Hive Guard at popping light mech and any pesky flyers that might show up.

I’ll post the results after the event.

Wish me luck!