I was supposed to be working on these:

But, and brace yourself because I am sure I am gonna shock the world, my wave serpents have been pretty clutch the last few games I have used them in. That being said, the paint job on the model was good, but I had a few ideas about how I might like them to be. I was explaining to my wife how I was going to paint the next one I got (I only have 2, which is normally plenty.) and she was humoring me by listening. But when I got up this morning, I really wanted to see my idea realized. So I grabbed one of the wave serpents I had and started touching it up. I didn't think to snap a pic until I was almost done with the first black part, but it started out looking like this:

And ended up looking like this:

In all, I think it turned out pretty well. I will likely touch up my other one sometime when I feel like painting, but not painting the thing I should be painting.

What do you think? Better, worse?

Thanks for reading,