Sunday March 31, Day 11 = 4 hours
End of week 2, total for the week = 20 hours
Overall total 48 hours
Had a great day working the airbrush. Mask off the flaps and
painted on the Raven.
Hit all the marines with a Minwax water-based wood stain
that was mixed 50/50 with water. Its important to mix it in a good bottle that
won’t leek when shaken. And shaking is something you will want to do as it will
settle and separate in little time.
Took the Marines inside and attached them to the bases.
Did a test pass with the blue on the force weapon. Then did
the whole lot of them in three colors including the incinerators and psy cans.
Finally some pics showing the progress so far. Not quite
done yet, but close… So close.