First Larry over at Bell of Lost Souls, has posted this interesting tidbit:

For all you folks who loved the models in the Dark Vengeance set - word is they are getting the "fancy treatment" in the days ahead.

Sources have told us that many of the quick assembly minis in the Dark Vengeance set are getting the full treatment and arriving as fully-optioned multi-part plastic kits.  The following are on the way:

-Helbrute with all the weapon options
-Chaos Cultist set with options for Plague Zombies
-Chaos Lord in clampack format said to be bits compatible with the existing CSM range.
-Chaos Chosen with buckets of god-specific bits including 5 heads per god.
-Obliterators/Mutilators combo-kit
-Chaos Havocs with all new visual designs for certain weapons.

Half of these will ship very soon, the other half closer to Summer.

And elsewhere...
via Dakka's Necronspurs2012

Warhammer 40,000 Codex Releases in Order

- Tyranids (done)
- Imperial Guard
- Orks
- Space Wolves
- Grey knights
- Blood Angels
(With new white dwarf format, dark eldar and necrons expected to)

40k Expansions

-Planetstrike redone
-Fortifications for independent armies, starting with Aegis Defense Lines 


Quoted from an independant source:
-FW will release codexes containing their products with all rules, stats and fluff for each army for both 40k and Warhammer Fantasy. These will be similar to supplements with new rules and warlord traits. The prices are said to be similar to 40k hard back codices. 

So there you go!  Lots of cool stuff.
