Hello everyone,

I've managed to complete assembly on my K'Daai Destroyer w/ the Brazen Wings upgrade (via Storm of Magic) for my Warriors of Chaos list I plan on taking to OFCC 2014 this year.

I really did very little work converting this, I bought a Maulerfiend and attached a set of minotaur horns and some manticore wings.  However if this happens to be like the most awesome conversion ever then I will totally change gears and complain about the sheer difficulty that was involved in it's conceptualization....

Enough talking pictures inc:

Next up we have the list for OFCC 2014.
I have yet to add all my fancy Roleplaying Names and titles to the units as I am accustomed to doing, however the theme is fairly straight forward.  I will be using a Chaos Lord mounted on a Daemonic mount taking his legion through the frozen north into the fiery and deathly Dark Lands (hey isn't that were your Beastmen hail from? omg THEME) where he assembles more of his forces.  I'm using Lore of Fire this go around cause, why not?

Here's the list, I'm sure I'll have some existential description that will make it relevant to some social moray and as a result empower my readers to do what's right and just... or they will just say "bitchin dude!".

Enough blathering- list inc!

2800 Pts - Warriors of Chaos Roster - The Eye Aeternum

Chaos Lord (1#, 355 pts)
1 Chaos Lord, 355 pts (General; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour)
1 Daemonic Mount (Daemonic Attacks; Causes Fear; Stomp)
1 Hellfire Sword (Flaming Attacks; Multiple Wounds)
1 Enchanted Shield
1 Talisman of Endurance
1 Soul Feeder

Sorcerer Lord (1#, 324 pts)
1 Sorcerer Lord, 324 pts (Barding; Level 4 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour)
1 Chaos Steed
1 Charmed Shield
1 Chaos Familiar
1 The Lore of Fire

Exalted Hero (1#, 215 pts)
1 Exalted Hero of Khorne (Battle Standard Bearer), 215 pts (Berserk Rage; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour; Battle Standard Bearer; Frenzy)
1 Juggernaut of Khorne (Daemonic Attacks; Causes Fear)
1 The Other Trickster's Shard

Chaos Warriors (21#, 355 pts)
20 Chaos Warriors, 355 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour; Shield)
1 Aspiring Champion (Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour; Shield)
1 Banner of Eternal Flame

Chaos Knights (5#, 260 pts)
4 Chaos Knights, 260 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield; Barding; Causes Fear)
1 Doom Knight (Hand Weapon; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield)
1 Standard of Discipline
5 Chaos Steed

Chaos Ogres (6#, 290 pts)
5 Chaos Ogres of Khorne, 290 pts (Always Strikes Last; Berserk Rage; Ogre Charge; Standard Bearer Std; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Causes Fear; Frenzy)
1 Mutant Ogre of Khorne (Always Strikes Last; Berserk Rage; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Frenzy)

Skullcrushers of Khorne (3#, 244 pts)
3 Skullcrushers of Khorne, 244 pts (Berserk Rage; Standard Bearer Std; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield; Frenzy)
3 Juggernaut of Khorne (Daemonic Attacks; Causes Fear)

Marauder Horsemen (5#, 90 pts)
5 Marauder Horsemen, 90 pts (Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield; Vanguard)
5 Warhorse

Chaos Chariot (3#, 110 pts)
1 Chaos Chariot, 110 pts (Chariot; Scythed Wheels)
2 Chaos Charioteer (Hand Weapon; Halberd)
2 Chaos Steed

Chaos Chariot (3#, 110 pts)
1 Chaos Chariot, 110 pts (Chariot; Scythed Wheels)
2 Chaos Charioteer (Hand Weapon; Halberd)
2 Chaos Steed

Chaos Warhounds (5#, 40 pts)
5 Chaos Warhounds, 40 pts (Vanguard)

Chaos Warhounds (5#, 40 pts)
5 Chaos Warhounds, 40 pts (Vanguard)

K'Daai Destroyer - Brazen Wings - (325+40) - 365 pts.

Validation Report:
Army Subtype: Chaos Army; Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Special Rules: Allow Forge World, Allow Warhammer Forge; File Version: 2.70
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Composition Report:
Points of Lords: 679 (0 - 700)
Points of Heroes: 215 (0 - 700)
Points of Core: 745 (700 - Unlimited)
Points of Special: 550 (0 - 1400)
Points of Rare: 609 (0 - 700)

Total Roster Cost: 2798

It is now 15 til midnight so I am going to hit the sack. 

I'll let all of you use your powers of deduction to determine where each character is going to go and stuff.