So I've expressed my dismay and disappointment with the recent Tyranid Codex but now I'd like to express the way I think the codex should or could have been written to be a solid, fun and better army. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you guys think!

Tyranid fandex/proposed changes:

 My overall intent with the following is to make every unit strong in their own right and viable. The army is intended to have good synergy between multiple units and I believe these changes also address the glaring problems of survivability, staying power, ranged Anti-Tank, Anti-Air and close combat deficiencies in general. Everything from how Synapse/Instinctive Behavior works down to the stats, special rules and options individual units have been modified in some way to make this army better. Of course, some of the changes might be "too good" but I'll try to come back and update these changes to balance them out so please feel free to give me any and all feedback and thoughts regarding the following "Fandex."

Overal army changes/balance:

·         Models in range of Synapse can choose to pass or fail any morale and pinning tests to represent the Hive Mind's total control over Tyranid organisms.

·         Models in Synapse range suffer less damage from ID weapons in the following manner: instead of being removed outright, they instead suffer 2 wounds per wound caused by an ID weapon.

·         If a Tyranid unit is falling back, once it gets into range of a Synapse creature it immediately regroups and can act normally from that point on except it does not gain a 3” consolidation move (i.e., can move, run, shoot and charge as if they never fell back to begin with).

Instinctive behavior:
·         Creatures outside of Synapse take, pass and fail ld based tests exactly as normal models would. If a unit starts the turn outside of Synapse range, it must act according to the “behavioral” modifications and special rules as follows:

o   Synaptic Withdrawal: All units that find themselves outside of Synapse range at the start of their turn must move towards a source of Synapse if there is one within 18”. If there is no source of Synapse within 18” of the unit, the unit must then move and act as per their instinctive behavior.

§  Feed: Must move towards closest enemy unit in the movement phase and, if at the end of the movement phase, the unit is further than 12” from an enemy unit it must then run towards the closest enemy unit in the shooting phase. If the unit is within 12” of an enemy unit at the end of the movement phase, it must attempt to charge it if possible and cannot run in the shooting phase.

§  Hunt: Must move towards a piece of terrain that is closest to an enemy unit in the movement phase, this unit must attempt to shoot the closest enemy unit.

§  Lurk: Must move towards the closest piece of area terrain in the movement phase, this unit must go to ground anytime it is shot at and must shoot at the closest enemy unit.

o   Tactical incompetence: Units outside of Synapse range may still be denial units but cannot control objectives whilst they are outside of Synapse range. This may be overly harsh and I only placed this here to try and balance out synapse if it appears too powerful so this particular bullet is a big WIP/MAYBE.I wanted to make Tyranids utterly dependent on Synapse but also make Synapse very powerful and this rule is to relfect the fact that outside of the direct control of the Hive Mind, Tyranids can’t do jack in terms of claiming objectives or acting tactically in the same sense troops from other armies can…

New categories of Synapse creatures as follows:
·         All Synapse Creatures have an un-modifiable Ld of 10.

·         Greater Synapse creature: 12" synapse range, certain options modified/enhanced as below where noted (will be noted in weapon/unit special rules).

o   Synaptic Backlash: when a Greater Synapse Creature is killed, all non-Synapse creatures that were within 12” of it that find themselves outside of Synapse at the end of that phase must immediately take a Ld test or fall back towards the nearest source of Synapse within 18”; if there are no Synapse Creatures within 18”, they instead fall back towards their board edge. If they pass, they suffer no immediate effect.

o   Greater Synapse Creatures have the Shadow in the Warp special rule which causes enemy Psykers to have -3 to their Ld and any failed Psychic Test by affected Psykers causes that Psyker to lose a Warp Charge if it has any more.

·         Minor Synapse Creature: 6" Synapse range, certain options modified/enhanced as below where noted (will be noted in weapon/unit special rules).

Alone in the Universe: Tyranids may not ally with anyone else, however, their Swarms are without number. To represent this, a Tyranid army has access to one extra HQ, Elites, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support slot than it normally otherwise would have. This bonus only applies once so you do not get the extra slots for each detachment (i.e., multiple force organizational charts do not each come with an extra HQ, Elites, Troops, Fast Attack and Heavy Support).

Warlord Traits:

1.      Nature’s Bane: After deployment zones have been determined, but before the first turn, you may place a piece of Carnivorous Forest anywhere on the table that is at least 1” from another piece of terrain or an enemy unit. This forest can be up to a 6x6 piece of terrain. Furthermore, at the beginning of each turn, you may choose a forest and turn that into a piece of Carnivorous Forest as well. Carnivorous Forests do not affect friendly Tyranid models.

2.      Heightened Senses: Enemy units may not Infiltratewithin 24” of your Warlord and all units within 12” of your Warlord gain the Night Fight special rule.

3.      Synaptic Lynchpin: The Synapse and Shadows in the Warp range of your warlord is increased by 6” and if models fall back into Synapse range of your Warlord, they can consolidate 3”.

4.      Mind Eater: The Shadows in the Warp ability now causes any failed Psychic tests by enemy Psykers in range to suffer Perils of the Warp.

5.      Digestive Denial: The Warlord does not give up a Victory Point for being killed by the enemy.

6.      Adaptive Biology: After taking his first wound, the Warlord gains +1 to Feel No Pain rolls. If it does not have Feel No Pain, it gains Feel no Pain 6+.

Psychic Powers:
·         Due to the nature of how Tyranids interact with the Warp and their connection to the Hive Mind, Tyranid Psykers can only generate psychic powers from the Tyranid Hive Powers discipline.

·         When casting Psychic Powers, Tyranid psykers do not suffer from Perils of the Warp on rolls of double 1 due to the power of the Hive Mind not being as virulent as the warp.

·         Due to the connection of every Tyranid organism to the Hive Mind, no Line of Sight is required for Blessings when targeting a Tyranid unit in Synapse range and only Tyranids in Synapse range can benefit from Blessings. Once a Tyranid unit finds itself outside of Synapserange, it immediately loses any benefits from any blessings cast on them.

Psychic Power Discipline changes:

0.      Primaris: Dominion – Blessing, Warp Charge 1; the range of the model’s Synapse and Shadow in the Warp abilities are increased by 6”. The Psyker can expend an extra Warp Charge when casting this power to gain the Feel no Pain special rule.

1.       The Horror– Malediction, Warp Charge 1; target an enemy unit within 24”, that unit immediately takes a Morale test with a -2 modifier. If the target unit is Fearless, it instead takes a Pinning test with a -2 modifier and if failed is Pinned even though it is Fearless. Not sure if affecting Fearless models makes this OP-will remove it if it does.

2.      Onslaught – Blessing, Warp Charge 1; target friendly unit within 24” may either Run then make a shooting attack ; make a shooting attack then Run; or, if the target does not have the bulky or Very Bulky rule, may Run then declare a charge.

3.      Paroxysm – Malediction, Warp Charge 1; target an enemy unit within 24”, that unit’s shooting attacks may only be fired using the Snap Fire rules until the end of their next turn. Furthermore, the target unit requires a 5+ to hit in close combat.

4.      Warp Blast – Witchfire, Warp Charge 1; this power can be fired either as a 24” S5 AP3 Blast or a 24” S10 AP2 Lance weapon. The Psyker can expend an extra Warp Charge when casting this power to increase the range of the power by 12” but it will suffer a Perils of the Warp attack on a roll of a doubles.

5.      Psychic Scream – Nova, Warp Charge 2; every enemy unit within 6” must immediately take a pinning test with a -2 modifier. If the test is failed, they also take a number of wounds for every point they fail their test by. These hits ignore armor and cover. 

6.      Catalyst – Blessing, Warp Charge 2; all friendly units with a model within 6” of the caster (including the caster) gain the Feel no Pain special rule.

Profile/stat/weapon/biomorph modifications:

Design notes on Attacks:

·         Reduced the amount of base attacks on profile every model has based on base size such that:

o   Small base models have 1 attack base (i.e., Gaunts/Stealers)

o   Medium based models have 2 attacks base (i.e., Warriors/Ravenors)

o   Large based models have 3 attacks base (i.e., Carnifex)

o   Extra large based models have 4 attacks base (i.e., Tyrants/Trygons)

·         CCWs

o   Attacks are now increased for each pair of CC weapons that are the same weapon a model has (for example, +1 for each set of Scything Talons, Rending Claws, Boneswords, Lash whips, Crushing Claws).

Close Combat Bioweapons:

·         Scything Talons provide an extra attack, S as user and are AP 5

·         Rending Claws provide an extra attack, S as user and are AP 4
o   Rending special rule

·         Boneswordsprovide an extra attack, S as user and are AP 3
o   Have special properties based on models using them as follows:
§  Minor Synapse Creatures get +1 S
§  Greater Synapse Creatures get +1 S and count them as force weapons

·         Crushing Claws provide an extra attack, S as user and are AP 2
o   Unwieldyspecial rule
o   Armor Banespecial rule
o   +1 S

·         Lash Whipsare S as user and AP –
o   Specialist Weapon special rule
o   A single enemy model within 2” of a model equipped with a Lash Whip may be forced to take an I test or lose an attack and gain the Strikes Last special rule that combat. A model may be forced to take a test for each Lash Whip that targets them.

General Ranged Bioweapon changes:
·         Strangleweb:
o   Range: Template S: 3 AP: 5 Assault 1
§  Pinning; any unit hit by a Strangleweb must take an I test, if failed it suffers a further d3 hits at the weapon’s S, ignoring cover, and the unit counts as being in difficult terrain until the end of its following turn.
·         Spike Rifle:
o   Range: 18” S: 3 AP: 5 Assault 1
§  Rending
·         Spinefists:
o   Range: 12” S: 3 AP: 5 Assault x
§  Twin-linked
§  X=Attacks on the model’s profile
·         Fleshborer:
o   Range: 12” S: 4 AP: 5 Assault 1

·         Devourer:
o   Range: 18” S: 4 AP: - Assault 2x
§  X=number of attacks on the model’s profile
·         Heavy Devourer:
o   Range: 24” S: 6 AP – Assault 2x
§  X=number of attacks on the model’s profile
·         Death Spitter:
o   Range: 24” S: 6 AP: 5 Assault 1, Blast

·         Barbed Strangler:
o   Range: 36” S: 4 AP: 5 Assault 1, Large Blast
§  Pinning; unit hit must take an I test, if failed it suffers a further d3 hits at the weapon’s S, ignoring cover, and the unit counts as being in difficult terrain until the end of its following turn.

·         Heavy Barbed Strangler:
o   Range: 48” S: 6 AP: 5 Assault 1, Large Blast
§  Pinning; unit hit must take an I test, if failed it suffers a further d3 hits at the weapon’s S, ignoring cover, and the unit counts as being in difficult terrain until the end of its following turn.

·         Venom Cannon:
o   Range: 36” S: 6 AP: 4 Assault 1, Blast
§  Units hit must take a T test, if failed it takes a further d3 S4 hits that ignore cover.

·         Heavy Venom Cannon:
o   Range: 48” S: 9 AP: 4 Assault 1 Blast
§  Units hit must take a T test, if failed it takes a further d3 S4 hits that ignore cover.
·         Impaler Cannon:
o   Ground fire mode: Range: 24” S8 AP4 Assault 3
§  Ignores Cover, no Line of Sight required
o   Sky fire mode: Range 24” S7 AP4 Assault 3
§  Ignores Cover, no Line of Sight required

·         Electro Shock Cannon:
o   Range 24” S5 AP5 Assault 1Blast
§  Haywire

·         Spore Mine Launcher:
o   Range 48” S4 AP4 Heavy 1, Large Blast, pinning, Barrage
§  Spore Cloud: If the initial Spore Mine misses the target, place 1 Spore Mine per Biovore in the Brood at the final location determined by the scatter dice. These Spore Mines now operate as an independent Spore Mine Cluster.

·         Stinger Salvo:
o   Range 18” S5 AP- Assault 1 Large Blast

·         Bio-Plasmic cannon:
o   Range 36” S7 AP2 Assault 6
o   Range 36” S6 AP2 Assault 2 Large Blast
§  +1 BS if remaining stationary as currently worded in codex

·         Acid Spray:
o   Template S6 Ap4 Assault 1
§  Torrent
·         Fleshborer Hive:
o   Range 18” S4 AP5 Assault 12
§  Rending

·         Rupture Cannon
o   Range 48” S8 Ap4 Assault 3
§  Armor Bane

General Biomorph changes:

·         Armored Shell: The model gains +1 to its armor save.

·         Acid Blood: whenever a model with this biomorph takes a wound, all models in B2B contact must pass an I test or suffer an AP- hit that wounds automatically.

·         Acid Maw: models with this biomorph may exchange all of its attacks for a single S5 Ap2 Armor Bane attack.

·         Adrenal Glands: models with this biomorph gain the Furious Charge, Fleet and Rage special rules.

·         Blinding Venom: Close Combat attacks made by models with this biomorph have the Blind special rule.

·         Regeneration: at the end of any phase in which a model with this biomorph has taken a wound, roll a dice-on a 4+ the model regains a single wound lost in that phase. If at the end of the turn no wounds have been recovered by the Regeneration special rule, roll a d6, on a 5+ it regains a single wound.

·         Toxic Miasma: friendly Tyranid models within 12” gain the Stealth special rule; friendly Tyranid models within 6” gain the Shrouding special rule in addition to stealth. Enemy models within 12” lose the benefits of the Stealth special rule; enemy models within 6” lose the benefits of both the Stealth and Shroudingspecial rules. Furthermore, close combat attacks made by a model with this biomorph have the Poisoned (2+) special rule.

·         Flesh Hooks: models with this biomorph do not suffer the I penalty when charging through terrain.

·         Spine Banks: a model with this biomorph can launch a Cluster Spine attack .

·         Toxin Sacs: Close Combat attacks by models with this biomorph gain the Poisoned (4+) special rule.

·         Wings: Monstrous Creatures with this biomorph count as Flying Monstrous Creatures while non-Monstrous Creatures with this biomorph add “Jump” to their unit type.

·         Warp Field: a model with this biomorph has a 4+ invulnerable save.

·         Tail biomorphs:

o   Scythe tail: Model gains d3 S5 Ap5 attacks in combat.

o   Mace tail: Model gains a single S8 Armor Bane attack in combat.

o   Pincer Tail: Model gains a single S4 Ap- Rending claw attack with the Precision Strike special rule.

Unit Entry/Army List changes:

The Swarmlord, Death Leaper, Red Terror, Parasite of Mortrex, Doom of Malantai and Old One Eye are all unique and each army can only ever include one of them.


Hive Tyrant: 160 points
WS: 8 BS: 4 S: 6 T:6 I:6 W:5 A:3 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature (Character)


SPECIAL RULES: Monstrous Creature; Fearless; Greater Synapse Creature; Psyker (Mastery level 1);


·         Hive Tyrant must purchase two weapon biomorphs in any combination from the following ranged or close combat biomorph options:
o   Melee biomorphs:
§  Scything Talons:  Free
§  Rending Claws: 5 points
§  Bone Swords: 20 points
§  Lash Whip/Bone Sword: 20 points
§  Crushing Claws: 25 points

o   Ranged biomorphs:
§  Twin-linked Death Spitter: 5 points
§  Twin-linked Heavy Devourer: 15 points
§  Heavy Venom Cannon: 25 points
§  Heavy Barbed Strangler: 25 points

·         Hive Tyrant may choose from any of the following biomorph adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 5 points
o   Acid Blood: 10 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Armored Shell: 20 points
§  Cannot be combined with Wings
o   Adrenal Glands: 20 points
o   Warp Field: 35 points
o   Regeneration: 35 points
o   Wings: 35 points
§  Cannot be combined with Armored Shell

·         Hive Tyrant must generate powers from the Tyranid Hive powers Discipline.
o   Hive Tyrant may increase his Mastery level up to 3 for 15 points per level.

·         Hive Tyrant may choose any of the following options:
o   Indescribable Horror: 10 points
o   Hive Commander: 15
o   Old Adversary: 20

**Indescribable Horror: Models within 12” roll 3d6 for Fear tests and drop the lowest roll. Furthermore, units wishing to assault the Hive Tyrant must take a Ld test, if the test is failed, they may not charge that turn.

**Hive Commander: You may add 1 or subtract 1 from reserve rolls and you may select a troops unit without the Bulky or Very Bulky special rules to outflank.

**Old Adversary: Friendly Tyranids within 6” of the Hive Tyrant gain the Preferred Enemy

The Swarmlord: 265 points

WS: 9 BS: 3 S: 6 T:6 I:6 W:6 A:3 Ld: 10 Sv: 2+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature (Character)


SPECIAL RULES: Monstrous Creature; Fearless; Greater Synapse Creature; Psyker (Mastery level 3); The Swarm Incarnate, Pinnacle of Evolution


·         The Swarmlord has two sets of Boneswords, Warp Field and

**The Swarm Incarnate:  You may select a Tyranid unit within 18” of the Swarmlord that is also within Synapse range; that unit may gain any of the following special rules as long as they remain in Synapse range: Monster Hunter, Tank Hunter, Counter Attack, Hit & Run.   

** Pinnacle of Evolution: The Swarmlord knows all the powers from the Hive Powers Discipline and has the Hive Commander and Old Adversary abilities.

Tyrant Guard: 50 points each

WS: 5 BS: 3 S: 5 T: 6 W: 2 I: 3 A: 2 Ld: 7 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry

UNIT COMPOSITION: 1-3 Tyrant Guard

SPECIAL RULES: Very Bulky, Shield Wall


Tyrant Guard must purchase two weapon biomorphs in any combination from the following ranged or close combat biomorph options:
·         Melee biomorphs:
o   Scything Talons: Free
o   Rending Claws: 5 points
o   Bone Swords: 10 points
o   Bone Sword/Lash Whip: 15 points
o   Crushing Claws: 20 points

·         Ranged biomorphs:
o   Death Spitter: 5 points
o   Devourer: 10 points

The entire Tyrant Guard brood may purchase the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 2 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 5 points
o   Armored Shell: 20 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 20 points

**Shield wallspecial rule means that a Hive Tyrant or The Swarmlord may join a unit of Tyrant Guard and automatically passes Look out Sir rolls. Furthermore, the Tyrant Guard may accept and issue challenges as well as perform Heroic Interventions.

Tervigon: 175 points
WS: 2 BS: 2 S: 6 T: 6 I: 2W:6 A: 4 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature


SPECIAL RULES: Monstrous Creature; Extremely Bulky; Fearless; Greater Synapse Creature; Psyker (Mastery level 1); Brood Mother


The Tervigon comes with a set of Scything Talons and a Stinger Salvo

·         The Tervigon may choose from any of the following biomorph adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 5 points
o   Acid Blood: 10 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Armored Shell: 30 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 20 points
o   Regeneration: 40 points

·         The Tervigon must generate powers from the Tyranid Hive powers Discipline.
o    May increase his Mastery level up to 2 for 15 points.

**Brood Motherspecial rule means that at the beginning of any movement phase, the Tervigon can produce 3d6 Termagaunts and on a roll of a treble, the Tervigon can no longer produce anymore Termagaunt units for the rest of the game. A unit of Termagaunts produced in this way must be placed wholly within 6” of the Tervigon and can move, shoot, run as normal but cannot make any charge moves that turn. Furthermore, any unit of Termagaunts produced by the Tervigon benefit from the Tervigon’s Adrenal Glands and Toxin Sacs Biomorphs.

Due to the close bond between Termagaunts produced by a Tervigon, should the Tervigon be killed, any Termagaunts that were produced by the Tervigon suffer a S4 AP- hit for every Termagaunt left in their unit.

Tyranid Prime: 125 Points

WS: 5 BS: 4 S: 5 T: 5 W: 3 I: 5 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Infatry (Character)


SPECIAL RULES: Greater Synapse Creature, Psyker (lvl 1), Marshal of the Swarm,


A Tyranid Prime must choose two weapon biomorphs in any combination from the following ranged or close combat biomorph options:

·         Melee biomorphs:
o   Scything Talons: Free
o   Rending Claws: 5 points
o   Bone Swords: 15 points
o   Bone Sword/Lash Whip: 10 points
o   Crushing Claws: 25 points

·         Ranged biomorphs:
o   Spinefists: Free
o   Devourer: 5 points
o   Death Spitter: 10 points

The Tyranid Prime may be equipped with the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 5 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 15 points
o   Wings: 20 points
o   Regeneration: 35 points

** Marshal of the Swarm special rule means that instead of taking a Prime as a normal HQ choice, you can take 1 Tyranid Prime for every Tyranid Warrior or Shrike Brood in your army. A Tyranid Prime taken in this manner can only join a Tyranid Warrior or Shrike Brood and confers its WS, BS and I onto the unit and otherwise counts as simply another member of the Brood. If taken in this manner, a Tyranid Prime does not take up an HQ slot.


Hive Guard: 60 points each

WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 5 T: 6 W: 3 I: 3 A: 2 Ld: 7 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry


SPECIAL RULES: Instinctive Behavior: Hunt


Each Hive Guard comes with an Impaler Cannon and a set of Rending Claws

Any Hive Guard may replace its Impaler Cannon for:
o   Shock Cannon for: 5 points

Zoanthrope: 55 points each

WS: 3 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 4 W: 3 I: 3 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 5+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry

UNIT COMPOSITION: 1-3 Zoanthropes

SPECIAL RULES: Minor Synapse Creature, Psyker (lvl 1)


Warp Field, Claws and fangs, the physically atrophied nature of the Zoanthrope means they do not have any close combat utility from their limbs.

·         Zoanthropes always come with the Warp Blast psychic power and may increase their Mastery level to 2 for 15 points/Zoanthrope.

Venomthropes: 50 points each

WS: 3 BS: 0 S: 4 T: 4 W: 3 I: 3 A: 2 Ld: 7 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry

UNIT COMPOSITION: 1-3 Venomthropes

SPECIAL RULES: Instinctive Behavior: Lurk, Bulky, Toxic Miasma


Each Venomthrope comes with two sets of Lash Whips

Pyrovores: 40 points

WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 4 T: 4 W: 3 I: 3 A: 2 Ld: 7 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry


SPECIAL RULES: Instinctive Behavior: Hunt


Each Pyrovore comes with the Flame Spurt, Acid Blood and Acid Maw biomorphs

Haruspex: 160 points

WS: 3 BS: 0 S: 6 T: 6 W: 6 I: 3 A: 4 Ld: 7 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature


SPECIAL RULES: Instinctive Behavior:  Feed, Lashing Tongue


The Haruspex comes with a set of Crushing Claws

The Haruspex may be equipped with the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 5 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 15 points
o   Armored Shell: 30 points
o   Regeneration: 35 points

**Lashing Tonguespecial rule means that for every unsaved wound inflicted by the Haruspex in combat, it gains an additional attack and regains a wound up to its starting value.

Lictors: 60 points

WS: 6 BS: 0 S: 6 T: 4 W: 3 I: 6 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 5+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry


SPECIAL RULES: Silent Hunter, Hit & Run, Fleet, Infiltrate, Chameleonic Scales, Pheromone Trail, Fear, Bulky


Each comes with a set of Scything Talons, a set of Rending Claws and Flesh Hooks

One Lictor per army may be upgraded to be Death Leaper for 80 points which has the following profile:

WS: 9 BS: 0 S: 6 T: 4 W: 3 I: 7 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 5+ 

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character)


SPECIAL RULES: Silent Hunter, Hit & Run, Fleet, Infiltrate, Chameleonic Scales, Pheromone Trail, Fear, Bulky, “Where is it?”, “It’s After me!”


**Silent Hunterspecial rule means that Lictors are designed by the Hive Mind to operate outside of Synapse range and so never suffer from Instinctive Behavior but may otherwise benefit from Synapse. Furthermore, for each Lictor Brood in your army, choose an enemy unit; the Lictor Brood gains the Preferred enemy special rule against that particular unit and loses this special rule once that unit is dead.

**Chameleonic Scales special rule means that Lictors have the Shrouded and Stealth special rules. Furthermore, enemy units can only Snap Fire against Lictors on the first enemy shooting phase after which they are deployed. Furthermore, Lictors can be placed anywhere when Deep Striking and never scatter but must remain 1” away from enemy models.

**Pheromone Trailspecial rule means that friendly Tyranid Reservesrolls may gain +1 and units that Deep Strike within 6” of a Lictor never scatter.

**“Where is it?”special rule means that enemy units wishing to fire at Death Leaper and his Brood are always fired as Snap Shots.

“It’s After me!”special rule means that at the beginning of the game, nominate a single character in your opponent’s army and reduce its Ld by D3. Furthermore, Death Leaper and his Brood gain 1 Victory Point if they destroy that character in combat.


Genestealers: 12 points each

WS: 6 BS: 0 S: 4 T: 4 W: 1 I: 6 A: 1 Ld: 10 Sv: 4+

UNIT TYPE: Infatry

UNIT COMPOSITION: 5-20 Genestealers

SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Brood Telepathy, Move Through Cover, Infiltrate


Genestealers come with 2 sets of Rending Claws

The entire Genestealer Brood may have the following biomorph adaptations:
·         Fleshhooks: at 1 point/model
·         Toxin Sacs: 3 points/model
·         Adrenal Glands: 5 points/model

Each brood of Genestealers may include a single Broodlord for 80 points which has the following profile:

WS: 7 BS: 0 S: 5 T: 5 W: 3 I: 7 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+ 

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character)


SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Bulky,  Brood Telepathy, Move Through Cover, Infiltrate, Psyker (lvl 1)


Broodlord comes with 2 sets of Rending Claws and has access to the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 2 points
o   Acid Blood: 10 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 20 points
o   Regeneration: 30 points

* Brood Telepathy: The Hive Mind has bred Genestealers with a limited form of Synapse where they can carry out the pre-programmed directives of the Hive Mind so they can operate independently when necessary* This special rule means that Genestealers and Broodlords do not suffer from Instinctive Behavior while outside of Synapse and they also benefit from the Stubbornspecial rule.

Termagaunts: 4 points each

WS: 2 BS: 3 S: 2 T: 3 W: 1 I: 3 A: 1 Ld: 5 Sv: 6+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry

UNIT COMPOSITION: 10-30 Termagaunts

SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Move Through Cover, Scuttling Swarm, Instinctive Behavior: Lurk


Each Termagaunt comes with a Fleshborer

Any Termagaunt may exchange its Fleshborer for any of the following ranged biomorphs:
o   Spine Fists: Free
o   Spike Rifle: 3 points
o   Devourer: 4 points

One Termagaunt per 10 may exchange its Fleshborer for a Strangleweb for 5 points

The whole brood may be given the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Toxin Sacs: 2 points/model
o   Adrenal Glands: 2 points/model

**Scuttling Swarm special rule means that for every brood of 30 Termagaunts, you may take a Tervigon as a Troops choice.

Hormagaunts: 5 points each

WS: 4 BS: 0 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 5 A: 1 Ld: 5 Sv: 6+


UNIT COMPOSITION: 10-30 Hormagaunts

SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Move Through Cover, Instinctive Behavior: Feed


Each Hormagaunt has one set of Scything Talons

The whole brood may be given the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Toxin Sacs: 2 points/model
o   Adrenal Glands: 3 points/model

Tyranid Warriors: 20 points each

WS: 4 BS: 3 S: 4 T: 4 W: 3 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 4+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry

UNIT COMPOSITION: 3-9 Tyranid Warriors

SPECIAL RULES: Minor Synapse Creature, Very Bulky


Each Warrior must choose two weapon biomorphs in any combination from the following ranged or close combat biomorph options:

·         Melee biomorphs:
o   Scything Talons: Free
o   Rending Claws: 5 points
o   Bone Swords: 10 points
o   Bone Sword/Lash Whip: 10 points

·         Ranged biomorphs:
o   Spinefists: Free
o   Devourer: 5 points
o   Death Spitter: 10 points

·         One Tyranid Warrior may be equipped with one of the following biomorphs:
o   Barbed Strangler: 15 points
o   Venom Cannon: 20 points
o   Crushing Claws: 25 points

The entire Tyranid Warrior Brood may be equipped with the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 2 points/model
o   Toxin Sacs: 5 points/model
o   Adrenal Glands: 10 points/model

Ripper Swarm: 9 points each

WS: 2 BS: 2 S: 3 T: 3 W: 3 I: 2 A: 2 Ld: 5 Sv: 6+


UNIT COMPOSITION: 3-10 Ripper Swarms

SPECIAL RULES: Swarm, Fleet, Move Through Cover, Instinctive Behavior: Feed


Ripper Swarms count as being equipped with two sets of Scything Talons to represent the multitude of gnashing maws present in each swarm.

Any Skyslasher Ripper Swarm may be equipped with a Spinefist at 4 points/model

The entire Ripper Swarm Brood may be equipped with the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 1 point/model
o   Toxin Sacs: 3 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 5 points

Fast Attack:

Tyranid Shrikes: 25 points each

WS: 4 BS: 3 S: 4 T: 4 W: 3 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 4+

UNIT TYPE: Jump Infantry

UNIT COMPOSITION: 3-9 Tyranid Warriors

SPECIAL RULES: Minor Synapse Creature, Very Bulky


Each Shrike must choose two weapon biomorphs in any combination from the following ranged or close combat biomorph options:

·         Melee biomorphs:
o   Scything Talons: Free
o   Rending Claws: 5 points
o   Bone Swords: 10 points
o   Bone Sword/Lash Whip: 10 points

·         Ranged biomorphs:
o   Spinefists: Free
o   Devourer: 5 points
o   Death Spitter: 10 points

·         One Tyranid Warrior may be equipped with one of the following biomorphs:
o   Barbed Strangler: 15 points
o   Venom Cannon: 20 points
o   Crushing Claws: 25 points

The entire Tyranid Warrior Brood may be equipped with the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 2 points/model
o   Toxin Sacs: 5 points/model
o   Adrenal Glands: 10 points/model

Raveners: 25 points each

WS: 5 BS: 3 S: 4 T: 4 W: 3 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 7 Sv: 5+



SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Very Bulky


Each Ravener comes equipped with three sets of Scything Talons

Any Ravener may exchange a set of Scything Talons for a set of Rending Claws for 10 points/model.

All Raveners in the Brood may take one of the following Thorax options:
o   Flesh Hooks: 2 Points/model
o   Spinefists: 5/model
o   Devourer: 10 points/model
o   Death Spitter: 10 points/model

The entire Brood may be equipped with the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Toxin Sacs: 5 points/model
o   Adrenal Glands: 10 points/model

·         One Ravenor may be upgraded to be the Red Terror for 80 points:

WS: 6 BS: 0 S: 5 T: 5 W: 3 I: 5 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 4+

UNIT TYPE: Beast (Character)

SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Very Bulky, Fear, Hit & Run, Swallow Whole


The Red Terror comes with 3 sets of Scything Talons and the Pincer Tail Biomorph

**Swallow Whole special rule means that if the Red Terror hits with 4 or more of its attacks (not counting the tail attack), it may choose a single Infantry model without the Bulky or Very Bulky special rules to be swallowed whole. The model chosen is removed from play with no saves of any kind but is otherwise eligible for a Look Out Sir roll which can only passed on a 5+

Gargoyles: 6 points each

WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 3 I: 4 A: 1 Ld: 5 Sv: 6+

UNIT TYPE: Jump Infantry

UNIT COMPOSITION: 10-30 Gargoyles

SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Blinding Venom, Instinctive Behavior: Hunt


Each Gargoyle is equipped with a Fleshborer

The entire Gargoyle Brood may be equipped with the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Toxin Sacs: 1 points/model
o   Adrenal Glands: 2 points/model

Skyslasher Ripper Swarm: 12 points each

WS: 2 BS: 2 S: 3 T: 3 W: 3 I: 2 A: 2 Ld: 5 Sv: 6+

UNIT TYPE: Jump Swarm

UNIT COMPOSITION: 3-10 Skyslasher Ripper Swarms

SPECIAL RULES: Swarm, Fleet, Instinctive Behavior: Feed


Ripper Swarms count as being equipped with two sets of Scything Talons to represent the multitude of gnashing maws present in each swarm.

Any Skyslasher Ripper Swarm may be equipped with a Spinefist at 4 points/model

The entire Ripper Swarm Brood may be equipped with the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Toxin Sacs: 3 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 5 points

Harpy:  140 points

WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 6 T: 5 W: 5 I: 3 A: 4 Ld: 7 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Flying Monstrous Creature


SPECIAL RULES: Monstrous Creature, Born in the Sky, Sonic Screech, Instinctive Behavior: Hunt


The Harpy comes equipped with a set of Scything Talons, a Twin-Linked Heavy Barbed Strangler and Spore Mine Cysts.

The Harpy may exchange its Twin-Linked Heavy Barbed Strangler for the following biomorph options:
·         Heavy Venom Cannon: Free
·         Impaler Cannon: 25 points

The Harpy may take any of the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 10 points
o   Regeneration: 35 points

**Born in the Skiesspecial rule means the Flying Monstrous Creature automatically passes Grounding Checks. Also, should a model with this rule wish to make a charge move, roll a dice, on a 1-2 it takes an automatic wound and on a 3+ it suffers no harm; Spore Mine Cysts special rule means the Harpy can place a Spore Mine Cluster consisting of d3 Spore Mines over any point it flew over in the Movement Phase, this counts as one of its shooting attacks; Sonic Boom special rule means that any unit charged by a Harpy gains the Always Strikes Last special rule.

Crone: 160 points

WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 6 T: 5 W: 5 I: 3 A: 4 Ld: 7 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Flying Monstrous Creature


SPECIAL RULES: Monstrous Creature, Born in the Sky, Haunter of Skies, Instinctive Behavior: Feed


The Crone comes equipped with a set of Scything Talons, 4 Tentaclids and a Drool Cannon.

The Crone may take any of the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 10 points
o   Regeneration: 35 points

**Born in the Skiesspecial rule means the Flying Monstrous Creature automatically passes Grounding Checks. Also, should a model with this rule wish to make a charge move, roll a dice, on a 1-2 it takes an automatic wound and on a 3+ it suffers no harm; Haunter of Skies special rule means the Crone’s Vector Strikes against Flyers are S8 and the Crone does d6+1 hits rather than d3+1

Spore Mine Cluster: 5 points each

WS: 0 BS: 0 S: 1 T: 1 W: 1 I: 1 A: 0 Ld: 10 Sv: - 

UNIT TYPE: Infantry

UNIT COMPOSITION: 5-15 Spore Mines

SPECIAL RULES: Living Bomb, Floating Death, Deep Strike

** Living Bomb, Floating Death special rules as per current codex

Heavy Support:

Carnifex Brood: 120 points each

WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 8 T: 6 W: 4 I: 2 A: 3 Ld: 7 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature

UNIT COMPOSITION: 1-3 Carnifexes

SPECIAL RULES: Monstrous Creature, Living Battering Ram, Fearless, Instinctive Behavior: Feed


Each Carnifex must purchase two weapon biomorphs in any combination from the following ranged or close combat biomorph options:

·         Melee biomorphs:
o   Scything Talons: 5
o   Crushing Claws: 15

·         Ranged biomorphs:
o   Death Spitter: 5
o   Twin-linked Heavy Devourer: 15 Points
o   Heavy Venom Cannon: 25
o   Heavy Barbed Strangler: 20

·         Tail Biomorphs:
o   Thresher Scythe: 10
o   Bone Mace: 15

Any Carnifex may take any of the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 5 points
o   Acid Blood: 10 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Armored Shell: 20 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 20 points
o   Bio-Plasma: 25 points
o   Regeneration: 35 points

·         One Carnifex may be upgraded to be Old One Eye for 100 points:

WS: 3 BS: 0 S: 9 T: 6 W: 4 I: 2 A: 3 Ld: 10 Sv: 2+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature (Character)

SPECIAL RULES: Fear, Living Battering Ram, Alpha Leader, Berserk Rampage, Fearless, Instinctive Behavior: Feed


Old One Eye comes equipped with a set of Scything Talons and Crushing Claws. He also has the Regeneration and Mace Tail biomorphs.

** Living Battering Ram special rule means that a Carnifex gets d3 Hammer of Wrath attacks that benefit from the Armor Bane special rule. Furthermore, these attacks are resolved at S10 and any unit that takes a wound from these attacks must pass an I test, if failed they gain the Always Strikes Last special as they make way for the massive bulk of the Carnifex.

**Alpha Leaderspecial rule means that Tyranids within 6” of Old One Eye may use his Leadership.

**Berserk Rampage special rule means that Old One Eye gets an extra attack for each unsaved wound caused by his initial attacks (not counting his Hammer of Wrath or tail attacks). These attacks may further generate additional attacks.

Mawloc: 145 points each

WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 6 T: 6 W: 6 I: 3 A: 4 Ld: 7 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature


SPECIAL RULES: Monstrous Creature, Fleet, Hit & Run, Terror From the Deep, Burrow, Instinctive Behavior: Feed


A Mawloc is equipped with three sets of Scything Talons

The Mawloc may take any of the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 5 points
o   Acid Blood: 10 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 15 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 20 points
o   Regeneration: 35 points

** Terror From the Deep, Burrow same as from current codex-these rules are actually pretty solid IMO.

Trygon: 190 points each

WS: 4 BS: 3 S: 6 T: 6 W: 6 I: 5 A: 4 Ld: 7 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature


SPECIAL RULES: Monstrous Creature, Fleet, Instinctive Behavior: Feed, Bio-Electric Field, Subterranean Assault


A Trygon is equipped with three sets of Scything Talons.

A Trygon may take any of the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 5 points
o   Acid Blood: 10 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 20 points
o   Regeneration: 35 points

** Bio-Electric Fieldspecial rule means that the Trygon has a 6+ Invulnerable save and can make a shooting attack with the following profile: S5 AP5 Range: 12” Assault 6

** Subterranean Assault special rule means that at the start of every game, nominate a single unit that does not have the Wings biomorph for each Trygon that will Deep Strike. Each unit selected will arrive from reserves in the following manner:
·         When the Trygon arrives from reserves via Deep Strike, place a template the size of its base where the Trygon emerged and this is now the Trygon Assault Tunnel. The nominated unit automatically enters play on the turn after the Trygon arrived. This unit counts as disembarking from a vehicle and so may only move 6” from the tunnel and is unable to make any charge moves though it can run and shoot normally.

Trygon Prime: 220 points each

WS: 5 BS: 4 S: 6 T: 6 W: 6 I: 5 A: 4 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature


SPECIAL RULES: Monstrous Creature, Fleet, Greater Bio-Electric Field, Major Synapse Creature, Subterranean Assault.

A Trygon Prime is equipped with three sets of Scything Talons.

A Trygon Prime may take any of the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Flesh Hooks: 5 points
o   Acid Blood: 10 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 20 points
o   Regeneration: 35 points

** Greater Bio-Electric Field special rule means that the Trygon Prime has a 5+ Invulnerable save and can make a shooting attack with the following profile: S5 AP5 Range: 18” Assault 12

** Subterranean Assault special rule means that at the start of every game, nominate a single unit that does not have the Wings biomorph for each Trygon that will Deep Strike. Each unit selected will arrive from reserves in the following manner:
When the Trygon arrives from reserves via Deep Strike, place a template the size of its base where the Trygon emerged and this is now the Trygon Assault Tunnel. The nominated unit automatically enters play on the turn after the Trygon arrived. This unit counts as disembarking from a vehicle and so may only move 6” from the tunnel and is unable to make any charge moves though it can run and shoot normally.

Exocrine: 170 points each

WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 6 T: 6 W: 6 I: 2 A: 4 Ld: 7 Sv: 3+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature


SPECIAL RULES: Monstrous Creature, Instinctive Behavior: Lurk


An Exocrine is equipped with a set of Scything Talons and a Bio-Plasmic Cannon

An Exocrine may take any of the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Acid Blood: 10 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 20 points
o   Armored Shell: 35 points
o   Regeneration: 35 points

Tyranofex: 170 points each

WS: 2 BS: 3 S: 6 T: 6 W: 6 I: 3 A: 4 Ld: 7 Sv: 2+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature


SPECIAL RULES: Monstrous Creature, Instinctive Behavior: Hunt


A Tyranofex is equipped with a Stinger Salvo and Acid Spray.

A Tyranofex may exchange its Acid Spray biomorph with the following options:
·         Fleshborer Hive: 15 points
·         Rupture Cannon: 25 points

A Trygon may take any of the following Biomorph Adaptations:
o   Acid Blood: 10 points
o   Toxin Sacs: 10 points
o   Adrenal Glands: 20 points
o   Regeneration: 35 points

Biovore: 40 points each

WS: 2 BS: 3 S: 4 T: 4 W: 3 I: 2 A: 2 Ld: 5 Sv: 6+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry


SPECIAL RULES: Spore Nest, Instinctive Behavior: Lurk


A Biovore is equipped with a Spore Mine Launcher.

** Spore Nestspecial rule means that when a Biovore is killed, a Spore Mine Cluster is placed where the Biovore was slain and scatter 6d6” in a random direction. On a hit, the Tyranid player chooses the direction the cluster moves.