It's been a little while since I've done anything here (a little over two weeks, but I swear it feels like more)

I'll cut to the chase (I've had about 6 good hours of sleep this whole week. I'm tired, grumpy and my right eye literally twitches slightly every 15 mins): 

Time- there's so little of it floating round these days, most of mine is being sacrificed to The Man. Yeah, I work for the govt. Not sure how I feel about that to be honest. Anyhow, working heaps and as such haven't been able to do too much with regards to hobbying stuff. There's two articles 66% done on my laptop that I've promised to get to Lauby @ HoP Saturday (Thank goodness for timezone variations)

They're sortof for 40k, but since I haven't been able to battle/theory up some tactics, they'll be on colour scheme stuff and the importance of terrain. I hope they'll be up to snuff.

Normally I'd have these done but work, she's a high maintenance b***h and I've been handed day shifts this week (9-5 tomoz, yaaaaaay. But then go see a friend do their first gig at a pub, so YAAAAAAAAY!!! :D ). So come Saturday morning I'm going to 

  • wake up
  • panic
  • eat something 
  • panic
  • finish off articles (whilst panicking)
  • submit articles to Lauby for review
  • panic
  • panic
  • panic
  • get drunk and say bye-bye to mr. brain cell and friends

Also, I have a tumblr account: 
It's non-hobby related, feel free to gain insight into my mind and leave any particular questions/thoughts on it here.

Aaaaand that's about it as I really can't stay awake any longer so...yeah (apologies for ramblyness and abruptness of this article as I've passed the realm of overtired

The Warlock