Any new Forge World is good, but as always, Forge World impresses.

We get two new Command Sets, the Mk II and the MK III as well as the Legion Medusa.  All welcome kits that fill holes in our Horus Heresy collections.  

The Command Sets are rather pricey at £25 or $ 41 a set.  The Medusa comes in at £59 or $ 97.
And who is spell checking these emails from Forge World?  My spell check has found half a dozen errors today.  Someone better wake up!  (And this isn't that you spell armour with a "u")!

From Forge World:

Mk III Command Set

The origins of MkII Crusade power armour hark back to the dawn of the Great Crusade when Mankind traveled out into the stars to forge the Imperium. Even during the Horus Heresy, Crusade armour is still one of the most common suits used within the Legiones Astartes and many of the earliest examples carry with them a glorious history.These suits are often reworked by master artificers to show the elevated status that their wearer now carries, be they leaders, champions, line officers or standard bearers.

The MkII Command Set, designed by Israel Gonzalez, is a complete multi-part resin kit comprising two models: one armed with a thunder hammer and with the choice of helmeted or bare head, the other is equipped with a Legion standard and chainsword. These models can be used to represent a variety of different roles in the Legion army list from The Horus Heresy Book One: Betrayal, from Centurions to Veteran Sergeants, and are available now for immediate dispatch.

Mk III Command Set

MkIII Iron armour is a modification of Crusade armour where the MkII’s frame is reinforced with additional ablative armour plates. The increased bulk of the suit makes it less suitable for jump infantry, but the improved protection is invaluable when fighting in tight confines where room to maneuver is limited.

The MkIII Command Set, designed by Israel Gonzalez, is a complete multi-part resin kit comprising two models: one drawing a large power sword and with the choice of helmeted or bare head, the other is equipped with a Legion standard and bolt pistol. These models can be used to represent a variety of different roles in the Legion army list from The Horus Heresy Book One: Betrayal, from Centurions to Veteran Sergeants, and are available now for immediate dispatch.

Legion Medusa

One of the heavy artillery units available to the Legiones Astartes is the Medusa, which carries a short ranged but extremely powerful siege mortar capable of breaching all but the thickest walls. When a breach has been secured, the Medusa will then rumble forwards to support the assault, levelling buildings with a single shell.

The Legion Medusa, designed by Blake Spence, is a complete multi-part resin and plastic kit that includes two Legiones Astartes crew in MkIV power armour. The rules for the Legion Medusa can be found in The Horus Heresy Book One: Betrayal.

Go forth and buy!
