I've been using these two squads of Strike marines in nearly every game of 40k I've played since the 5th edition GK codex was released and they became my primary army. That was almost 4 years ago and I've made such a pitiful amount of progress on this army in that time. Part of the delay is that I made a decision early on to try to paint every model to the highest standard I was capable of, but that's not the reason I still have incomplete paint jobs on loads of my core units. The real reason is gamer ADD and flat out laziness.
Over the last six or so months I've really been trying to wrap projects up an I'm happy to say the end of the journey is near for these guys. I noticed a few incomplete details while taking these quick and dirty pics but I think I'll have these guys done with one more painting night. Once the last few details are tied up I'll take some better pics.