A little while ago, I did a test mini for a Carcharodon force I wanted to make. I had a blast painting him, and decided that I would go with Carcharodons as my Art Scale army, not Ultramarines. I recideved the Badab War books from Forge World for Yule, which further cemented my choice.

With this choice made, I created the final 9 members of a Tactical Squad, and began to think about where I wanted to go with this project. For now, here is the nearly finished Tactical Squad.

Art Scale Carcharodons

Art Scale Carcharodons

Art Scale Carcharodons
I’m quite proud of how they look, and I am very happy with the new torsos I have been casting. I particularly like the Sergeants, with his dynamic pose and sense of movement. All I have left to do before painting is pick up some more shoulder pads, and fill a few more gaps.

Something else I would like to share is an Art Scale Rainbow Warrior, who I am creating for Fabalah, creator of the Rainbow Warrior wallpaper. As you can see, I am going with the Asgardian theme with the wings on the helm. I still have a little work to do on him, like adding a loincloth of sorts, similar to Sif from Thor. When I get around to painting him, I will using quite a bit of silver and gold, to make him look regal.

Art Scale Rainbow Warrior Captain

Let me know what you think in the comments! Hopefully I can start assembling a second Tactical Squad, as I already have the legs I need, so keep an eye out for that. Don’t forget to like my Facebook page, so you can see new posts as soon as they are up.
