So I finally managed to get some modelling done last night :) Two new characters for my two main forces, Astral Claws and Red Corsairs. So first up:

Arch-Centurion Carnac Commodus of the Astral Claws

Armed with Blood Biter a rare and powerful chainblade, Commodus became reknown for his bloodthirsty charges. He met his bitter end during the Red Hour, when the weak Executioners Chapter betrayed they're blood debt and killed the defenceless Astral Claws marines, during a boarding action against the Salamanders.

I plan on getting some liquid green stuff and filling in the blood tear on the knee. To be replaced with this marking:

Second Character:
Corpse Master Garreon of the Red Corsairs
Garreon, also known as the Coprse Master, was the Lord Apothecary of the Astral Claws and later the Red Corsairs. His nickname "the Corpse Master" came not from a desire to see the dead rise, but from a pathological interest in the dead and dying. Garreon was well known for dissecting enemies while still alive.

Now as you can well guess I will be using this model as a count as Fabius Bile. By far my favourite chaos character :)

Well there you have it. Still no painting but at least a bit of modelling.