Since it's miniature monday I thought I'd better throw together a quick post. Inbetween working on my latest Heresy stuff I've found a little bit of time to chip away at my kit-bashed assault squads. There hasn't been huge progress but here's where I'm up to so far with them.

I finally got the polyfiller and cork out and had a go at making some bases. I'm relatively happy with them, and think they'll improve with some paint, and some battlefield debris scattered over them.

The next bit I've worked on is the first member of the squad. I introduce to you Brother Helixus. I'm still working on his background but at the moment he's a relatively new recruit to the chapter. His weaponry is therefore fairly unembellished, however he has earned a few honours whilst on campaign, and has developed a fondness for his jump pack.

I'm hoping that next time in this series I'll have a lot more progress to show. I've almost finished building the Proteus and Cerberus tanks, so can give the 40k a bit more time. Cheers all!