After the events of Asleep No More, the Gatekeepers cabal eventually pieced together information they gained through Libram's remaining documents to form a thesis on the Shadow People phenomena.  Together with the Reliquary, the cabal submits a document to the 3rd Level of the Vault, where it will be kept with other information regarding these spirits and related artifacts.  To represent this, the game information for Shadow People are presented here.

Further, all members of the Gatekeepers cabal are granted general access to the Reliquary Vault, up to Level 3.  Relations between the cabals aren't stretched as you'd think - but the Gatekeepers owe the Reliquary a great deal.

Shadow People (Spirit Host)

These malignant spirits are born of loss and lonliness.  They are the shadows of those gone missing and are never found.  They represent, embody and prey upon all the various fears of the unknown.

Once, a powerful spirit was captured by a now-defunct cabal of left-handed mages calling themselves the "Shadow Wardens".  How they captured it is unknown, but most likely they have either unearthed binding rituals or created an entirely new grimoire related to it.  It has been implied by vetted sources that such a book might indeed exist, and would be of high concern to an Awakened community should it surface in the hands of someone who might use it.

The spirit was imprisoned in a mystical artifact the mages had designed, called simply: the Cell.  This artifact is described as being an ornate stand with Egyptian style iconography, with a huge smoky jewel suspended between two outstretched wings.  The current whereabouts of the artifact is unknown.

The Shadow Wardens cultivated the spirit into one of Death and Nightmare.  Now called the Shadow of Night, or just "The Shadow Lord" it's power and influence grew.  Under the control of the mages, who used it to attack their enemies, the spirit developed a court of lesser shadow spirits to serve it.  These are the shadow people we have encountered.

We have indentified three bans common to all of these shadow entities.
  • Shadow People are repelled by direct light or scrutiny.
  • Shadow People cannot stand the presence of cats, who can see them.
  • Silver does Aggravated Damage to Shadow People.
Wisp of Shadow
Rank 1 Spirit

Appearing as small balls of shadowy substance, these are motes that have been created to serve the Shadow Lords' court.  They are the first to come across the Gauntlet during an infestation.
  • Power:  2
  • Finesse:  3
  • Resistance:  2
  • Initiative:  5
  • Defense:  3
  • Size:  2
  • Willpower:  4
  • Corpus:  4
  • Essence:  10
  • Influence:  Shadows (1)
  • Numina -
    • Clasp
    • Concealment
    • Drain
    • Innocuous
    • Ban of Power
Shadow Person
Rank 2 Spirit

These spirits resemble humanoid shadows, though they are distended and strange in their appearance.  They are solid black, with no eyes or features.  These are the stronger of the Shadow Lords' servants, and tend to congregate in the Shadow near the infestation.  These creatures will drag unsuspecting people into the Shadow and devour them - creating, in some cases, a new mote that the Shadow Lord or his mage allies cultivate into a Wisp.
  • Power:  4
  • Finesse:  4
  • Resistance:  5
  • Initiative:  9
  • Defense:  4
  • Size:  5
  • Willpower:  9
  • Corpus:  10
  • Essence:  15
  • Influence:  Shadows (1),  Fear (2)
  • Numina -
    • Clasp
    • Concealment
    • Drain
    • Innocuous
    • Ban of Power
    • Abduct
    • Chorus
    • Reaching
The spiritual properties of the Shadow of Night are unknown, as this entity was not directly encountered.  Therefore, this case remains a spiritual threat to the Free City.  Any activity resembling the modus operandi of this spirit court must be immediately reported to the Gatekeepers for summary dispensation and archiving.

One final note:  We as Awakened beings cannot be carried across the Gauntlet by a normal shadow person.  However, the human population is in danger of falling victim to the predations of these spirits.  Any missing persons cases with certain telltale marks will be reported by the Progressional Forum.  This sort of activity might go on unnoticed as far as Sleepers are concerned, since they lack the ability to perceive the threat.  We must be vigilant until this extant threat is terminated.