I know I have been dropping the ball on pics lately. I got to Templecon and realized I had no card in my camera. I will post pics of my finished Lamenters this week though.

So Templecon 2014 is in the books. I had yet another fantastic time! This time I attended as a vendor. My friend David Monette joined me and we had a room in The Clockwork Bazaar. This is a whole wing of rooms where people open up their rooms as little shops. Mostly they were selling costumes and such for Steampunk.  We were selling my DVDs and Daves book The Zombie Axiom.  Also I was unloading some stuff I had on my shelves.

My Lamenters got their first real workout this weekend. And they performed in spectacular fashion! I scored zero points in 4 of my 5 games...  But that is ok.  I was more about simply enjoying my games rather than trying to win them. I set small goals for myself, like killing my enemies commander and such and went after them.  Frankly it is liberating to release yourself from the need to be competitive. I enjoyed every game I played, well except for a game against a Tau army where I just put all my guys in a clump in the center for them to be blasted to end the game. Which is how I will treat any ridiculous army in this new 40k world. Just give them the win and move on so we can get a drink instead!

Now, on the other side of the coin, I did very well in soft scores.  First I would like to thank every one who voted for me for Players Choice. I am honored and humbled. We had to select our favorite army in the room, and mine earned the most votes!  But I had to make a decision because the TO did not want to give Players Choice and Best Painted to the same guy, and rightly so! Oh I also won Best Painted.  :)  So I selected Best Painted as my award and passed Players Choice to the next in line.

I was pleasantly pleased to find that I also tied for first in Best Sportsman. There were four guys at the top but it went to my friend Ed Miller.  I have to say, these things are much more rewarding to me than winning the GT.  I like how it makes me feel as a person and player.

So thanks again for all the compliments at Templecon and the votes. It is greatly appreciated to be rewarded for my hard work.

Sadly, my next action won't come until October at Battle for Salvation when I play in their special invitational.

I will set up my display and take some good pictures and video this week and post it asap!


Here is a shot of the gaming hall.  It was packed!  You can see me off in the background in the blue and gold rugby.