I have done the basic construction of the model. Now it is time for the weapon mounts (and weapons)

As you can see I have bluetacked him together to get an idea about weapon size and posing. The pose is fairly final and I will glue him to his base tonight I think. The weapons are just proxies, where the heavyBolter will be replaced with something bigger since the infantry version seems to fragile. The Missilie launcher is made from a Havoc launcher- I like the four shot style and will now add the tubes (straws). The assault cannon will be taken from a landspeeder- size is okay- I already checked.

Spacecrusade Dreadnought WIP

Spacecrusade Dreadnought WIP

Spacecrusade Dreadnought WIP

Spacecrusade Dreadnought WIP

Spacecrusade Dreadnought WIP