Well it happened.  Between the malaise at the shop and the fallout from the LVO that is hitting the interwebs, I officially requested a refund for the GT at Adepticon.  Well I should say I switched to the Exterminatus event first and now I sent the email requesting a refund.  This would be the reason for the lack of posts for the past couple weeks.   The gang and I have been playing a lot of Firestorm Armada and not a whole ton of 40k.

That being said I want to assure everybody that I am not totally out of 40k.  I am not selling off my army and ditching it.  I am taking a step back though.  Not so much a break, but I am going to try and concentrate on the hobby aspect for a while, at least until they rules get sorted out.

I am still participating in Adepticon though.  I am playing in a Combat patrol and doing a weathering class with Mr. Justin of Secret Weapon.  I am also doing the Iron Arena with the Privateer Press gang.  I am bringing my 40K stuff though to get some pick up games while I am there.  I will also have my Renses Navy Fleet for pickup games of Firestorm Armada.  Basically I am going to chill and just enjoy my vacation and the best 4 days of war gaming there is.

On a semi related note, most of you know I host a Adepticon primer tournament dubbed "The Test Of Khaine" every year.  This will be the 4th year of the tournament at Evolution Games.  I am still going to run it.  I was on the fence, but Farseer Rerolls talked me into it.  So I will be making an official announcement next week about the tournament.  I want to make sure it does not interfere with any other events going on mid to late March.

Well thats all for now.  I just wanted to update and basically let everyone know whats going on and where the Craftworld stands at the moment.  Expect some Firestorm Armada articles from Spellduckwrong and the BigMek in the next couple of weeks.

until then...

Blood Runs, Anger Rises, Death Wakes, War Calls!!!!!!!

and as always