Alright, so we have less than a week to go! We have had a great response from the gaming community and hope to get 16+ players down at the tournament. Some of these guys have never been to an event before, and some are only still in their single digit gaming experiences. It's not a HUGE turn-out, but that doesn't matter! What matters is that we will all have fun.

The majority of the players are social gamers, not competitive tournament regulars. There will be a handful of competitive players who can't make the other tournament on this weekend (which is two days). We welcome them. It is a bit of a shame that both of our events have clashed on the same weekend, but no matter, I'm sure both events will still be great for their attendees.

Hopefully the new Prize format goes well. I'll get as much feedback as possible from the players as to what they all expect when attending an event. Also, we will be taking lots of photos, so will post them up after the event has finished.

- Out.