Alpha Simians, Anne-Marie Helder MVP, Asterians, Asterian Black Talon, Asterian Cypher with Fission Beam, Asterian Kalyshi Team, Asterian Weapon Drone with Energy Cannon/Shield Generator, A’teo “The Savage” Adysi, Avaran Treebeast.

KEY - Deadzone, Dreadball, Dreadball Xtreme.

Alpha Simians.
Alpha Simians are large beasts from the jungle worlds of Inera, competitive aliens that enjoy the thrill that comes from a 200mph weapons-grade titanium being flung around a small enclosed arena. Alpha Simians are not the dumb brutes that they are often made out to be – the most famous among them is Toutanka, a maverick Corporation owner and star DreadBall player affectionately dumbed “Hank” – though there are those, like in every society, that simply prefer to keep things primitive and batter the opposition instead…

Anne-Marie Helder MVP.

You can’t miss Helder on the pitch – she’s the one with a trail of broken bodies in her wake. Despite insisting that she’s ready for the role of Striker (and the glory the role brings with it), whether it’s her uncanny knack of being in the right place at the right time or her well-renowned right hook (as commentator Jake "the Jackhammer" Thunder found out during what was called an impromptu interview by the media), Coaches have continually pushed her towards playing the guard position – a position she excels herself in.

As a young player growing up she had an unhealthy obsession with the beast known as Buzzcut and Helder often tries to emulate him in her game. Whilst she lacks the physical presence to match him in pure brute strength, she is surprisingly quick (which her celebrity management company says supports her claims that she could rank up alongside the leading strikers of this decade if given the chance), and her "run-up-and-slams" often catch opposing players unawares.

Anne-Marie Helder is as much of a striking presence off the pitch as on it with her well-known strings of legal actions against the DGB for discrimination against larger players being trained as Strikers. She will play for any team that will at least pretend to offer the opportunity, and many teams are happy to at least consider it because when she decides to be a Guard then she is a force to be reckoned with. Her style is not elegant or even unusual it is simply effective. She Slams opponents just like other human Guards, they just stay slammed longer!

Outside of the sport, Helder has her own range of cookbooks and is known to bake a mean tri-cal Pie.


Even before Man began its space age, there had been reports of mysterious beings and fey creatures appearing to a few individuals. Once dismissed as legend, dedicated research has finally proved the existence of the advanced alien race known as the Asterians.

Asterians are naturally inquisitive, and whilst the Corporation spin builds a mythology based on murder and abduction, there are those who leave the safety of their other-plane homes simply to sate their thirst for knowledge. It was these Asterian adventurers (or mercenaries as the Corporation documents them) that first discovered DreadBall for their race, and the allure of glory and physical challenge the game presented was simply too enticing to ignore.

The most famous Asterian team, The Starhawks see themselves as clearly superior to the average DreadBall team, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t above bending the rules – or just cheating! – to gain any advantage possible. Although the Asterians are relative newcomers to the world of DreadBall, they’re already taking the game by storm. The crowd just can’t get enough of their underhanded plays and melodramatic dives!

Asterian Black Talon.
Asterians employ a range of specially equipped Cypher-units on the battlefield, each controlled by an operator aboard a cloaked Starship. Lithe and dextrous, only the most capable Asterian pilots command a Black Talon unit, a nimble jet-pack equipped Cypher. Like vultures they circle the battlefield, committing to deadly strafing runs with their rapid-fire Flux Rifles at the call of their commander.

Asterian Cypher with Fission Beam.
Each Cypher is piloted manually from orbit during a mission, although they do have rudimentary artificial intelligence that can take control if the signal is lost for any reason. They are armed with a high-powered flux rifle that explosively destabilizes the target’s molecular structure. Some even carry Fission Beams that fire concentrated streams of blue, crackling energy.

Asterian Kalyshi Team.

The Asterians are one of the most ancient races in the galaxy, a noble culture of great intricacy that has plied the stars since long before mankind had even taken its first steps away from the surface of Old Earth. Their ways are baffling to most humans, and they generally do what they can to stay away from direct contact with the realms of man, although this is becoming increasingly difficult for them as the ever-expanding GCPS encroaches into their territory.

As a group, the Kalyshi vary much more than the Asterian mainstream, and their ways can seem brutal to outsiders. Theirs is a martial culture, with members of all three genders learning to fight as soon as they can walk. Now, representatives from several of their clans have begun to make themselves known on the illicit DreadBall circuit, seeing it as a fitting challenge for their greatest warriors. It is not clear whether they know of the so-called Asterian teams that have been sanctioned by the DGB, but it is unlikely that they do not. Many have speculated that one of their motivations for entering the arena is to warn the Corporations that they are aware of the sham they are perpetrating, and that their mockery will not go unpunished.

Asterian Weapon Drone with Energy Cannon/Shield Generator.
The Asterians’ dependence on light units can lead to them being outclassed when coming up against heavily-armed opponents; the Support Drone is the standard response. They can be fitted with shield generators to protect those around them; Fission Beams, which mirror the flux rifle in tearing its target apart at a subatomic level, or the Force Cannon, which fires destructive blasts of concussive energy.

A’teo “The Savage” Adysi.

A’teo was the first ever Yndij to play DreadBall.

The Yndij are a little-known race from the Outer Sphere, known to be hostile towards the GCPS, but every rule has an exception. A’teo "The Savage" Adysi’s story has inspired countless vidcast serials and documentaries – after all, who could resist the tale of a feral savage who arrived in the Core without a single credit, looking to seek his fortune, only to rise to superstardom in the world of DreadBall?

As the only player of his race to tread the neodurium, Adysi (carefully managed by his sponsors in Carver, Inc.) does not have a home team, instead providing his services to anyone willing to pay his substantial hiring fee. He plays with untamed ferocity, and has generated a legion of fans who are crying out for more Yndij to join the game…

Avaran Treebeast.

As the GCPS expands outwards, it has encountered intelligent life in just about every form imaginable, from the gaseous Irads of Grand Pluron to the Treebeasts of Avara. These bizarre plant-like creatures are wily hunters, easily capable of waiting motionless for days before ensnaring passing prey with their prehensile tongues.

Gmorts Chaotica would like to thank James M Hewitt, Mantic Games, the Quirkworthy Blog, Titan Games and of course the Corporation for their invaluable assistance in the compiling of this encyclopaedia.