The other week now my friend put up a blog post about his proposed paint scheme for his Tyranids. You can find it here. I thought it looked really cool, and the sources that inspired him were great. So I thought, why don't I have a go at doing a variation on his scheme just for fun. It actually turned out alright for just a quick attempt, and here's the step by step as to how I did it.

Stage 1 - Basecoat and wash.

Stage 2 - A couple of drybrush layers.

Stage 3 - All over glaze and basecoat the gun.

Stage 4 - Wash, then a couple of highlights.

Stage 5 - Undercoat and basecoat the Chitin.

Stage 6 - Wash and add pattern.

Stage 7 - Light spot markings edged with darker red.

Stage 8 - Same again on the gun.

 Stage 9 - Paint tongue red. Hooves/claws done by basecoating Ushabti bone, sepia wash all over, then highlight with screaming skull.